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Kano State, Nigeria.

"I would like to meet her. We have to settle something, let's go." Shaddad said and started making his way back to the hut she pointed and Falak followed him silently.

She knew he is going through some inner turmoil at the thought of seeing his mother again. His mother told her that it has been so long since they last met or since he last saw her. She's left the State so many years ago and he might not even remember her face even when he hits her with his car. And from what Falak had seen, the mother missed her sons like any loving mother would so Falak is too eager to know what happens and why she left or why she was asked to leave the State.

It must have been something gigantic for the King to take such decision against his own wife. The way the King loves her mother now, there is no doubt he's loved Shaddad's mother the same way so the problem is not from him but from her. If the regret and pain in her eyes are real, then there is no doubt whatever it is that happened in the past haunted her for a really long time. Maybe she thinks she won't ever be forgiven and that is why she keeps hiding and decided to get money by abducting her. Falak feels like it is her job to find out what happens and unite the family.

She got out of her thoughts when she almost fell on a twig but Shaddad was quick to save her and she sighed. She would've scratched her forehead and nose on the red sand underneath her feet. Grinning, she stood up straight and wrap her arms around his right arm so she could show it off to the familiar voice she heard. She hopes he is back from wherever he went to so she could see him and flaunt it to his eyes. She wants Shaddad to know who the betrayer is in their home.

She never expected to see that Prince there and he is also amongst the ones who wanted to abduct her. Though he said he's loved her ever since he settled his gaze on her, he should've come to her and told her. At least, she would know that she has a Prince in love with her and would've married him when Bilal betrayed her. He didn't say anything to her and never even tried showing her that he does love her so how is it her fault now that he feels like expressing it when it is too late.

She is now married and is happy with her husband, how dare he appear in her life and claim his fake love for her. He might be obsessed with her in some way but she is in love with his brother and he should've seen that and stopped obsessing over her. This is entirely his fault and thinking about it is tiring her brain and also setting her heart on fire with fury. She is so mad at him and would want to rip his head from his body. He is nothing but a betrayer and she hates him with every fibre of her being.

She felt tears prickling his eyes because of the thought of someone close to them betraying her. Now who can she trust in the world? He was so close to them even though he thinks he isn't. He is their brother! He has Royal blood running in his veins and he isn't supposed to betray his equally Royal brothers and blood. They share the same blood, the same secret and the same looks but he has to betray them like that. He stabbed them pretty hard!

"Why are you crying?" She heard Shaddad ask and just then did she noticed that they are standing outside the hut and there are no masked men but she could see a set of Royal shoes outside the hut so she is sure the familiar voice is inside.

"Let's go in." Falak suggested, he nodded and they padded inside the hut unannounced and without taslim.

When his mother settle her gaze on him, her heart dropped to her stomach and her heartbeat could be heard by the person standing far away from her. She didn't expect him to come see her thinking he would have nothing to do with her. Maybe their father didn't tell him what happened since he promised not to or he won't have set his foot where she is. But even after that, he knew his father wouldn't just send her away because of some mere misunderstanding. Maybe he was there to hear what happened, definitely. There is no other reason.

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