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Kano State, Nigeria.

After they get all the clothes and things Marawiyyah will need from the house, they lock the room and went to tell Baaba about their departure. She told her she's forgiven her and Falak reluctantly ask the guards to drop some food stuff for her too. She wouldn't have forgiven the wretched woman if she were in the same shoes as Marawiyyah, it will take time before she does so seeing Mari forgiving her just pushed her into giving her the food stuff to help her wrinkling stomach.

She didn't want to after hearing what the woman has done to her, her heart ached even after she gave her and feels like she should go and collect back their stuff and leave the woman to starve for the rest of her life. She deserves everything that comes her way and more. If only Mari wouldn't stop her, she would've took all the woman's dirty money, any food she has remaining, take all the chickens chirping in the house and the stupid goats that kept on looking at them since their arrival. Yep, she just wants to punish the woman for her countless sins and help her see what she will go and see in the hereafter if she doesn't change.

They made their way outside to the cars waiting and Mari felt conscious around those handsome and beautiful people. She is wearing a wrapper that has faded beyond recognition, she has had that wrapper since when Falak was around, they matched the outfit then. A white shirt that's yawed oat, it is extremely tight making it hard for her to breath some times. Meanwhile, her head is wrapped around that typical square head tie that they shape into triangle, she has a lot of them with her, some of Falak's too. She closed her body with a hijab that stopped just around her knees. The hijab she likes going to makarantan allo with when Falak was around, she stopped going after her departure. It was hard to take in some things without Falak beside her.

They are all dressed so simple yet posh and Royal while she don't even look close to the maids she's seen in other cars. Everyone is comfortable in their clothing while she is having a hard time breathing in her own clothes. She is not one to be conscious around anyone but for some reasons, someone's eyes on her made her squirm and feel conscious if her dressing. It looks like that person is seeing right through her outfit giving her a number. She hates that feeling, so she fold her arms on her chest to look confident.

Falak looked at her friend and still can't believe that she is with her. Seeing her expression as she looks around her sisters in-law and brothers, Falak knew exactly what she is thinking so she wrap her arms around her shoulder and brought her closer to her then passed a reassuring nod of her head. There are people watching them so as soon as they walked out of the house, everyone piled into the car and they zoomed out.

Falak, Fikriyah and Marawiyyah are in the same car. Shaddad shared another car with his children when she gave him the excuse of making her friend feel comfortable amongst them. The happiness shining in her face is enough to make him surrender to her request. There was also something he didn't like in her eyes. He knew Falak too much for her to try hiding anything from him. There was worry, regret however happiness shone in her eyes so he agreed but she will tell him what happened that has her all worked up.

"Don't feel conscious while sitting with us. They are the best set of human beings you will ever come across. They just want you to get comfortable before they start with their craziness, you will love them. And the men, they are married except for two of them. You won't believe it but I have another blood step younger brother. His name is Imad." She filled her in seeing as her friend's expression yawed to sheer amazement.

"Really? How old is he?!" She asked, a smile stretching itself on her lips. They have always wanted a younger brother so they can act all protective. They think since men are always possessive over their younger sisters, then they are going to change it into women being protective over their younger brother.

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