Break Out (Crowley)

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You got arrested two days ago. You're a hunter and the reason you got arrested is that two people saw you kill some demons. And so they called the police. You tried to explain but no one believed that the "persons" you killed were actual demons. It's always like that. So, day two in prison, you tried to explain again that you didn't murder real people but as always no one belived you. Some of your crazy inmates believed every word you said but that wouldn't help you. You needed to get out of there. Even though you're a really good hunter you couldn't figure a way out without being caught or killed. You needed someone to help you. Your inmates were useless. They were trying to figure their own way out. You were thinking about someone you could ask but it would be to dangerous for the other hunters to try to rescue you. And you bet they all know about what happened but you can understand that they won't risk it. It was probably must serve your full punishment. And that's going to be a long time. Your focus now was to stay away from everybody, trying not to make friends and blocking of every flirt and that's going to be hard..
One day you were waiting in line for your food as two girls started fighting. You stayed out of the way. It wasn't your business. But one of them hadn't enough. So she began to pimp and challenge each one of you. She was one of the tall, strong and though girls here. Means no one was brave enough to stand up against her. You didn't know why but she came to you and challenged you directly but you refused. She didn't like that at all so she pushed you against the counter. Still you didn't want to fight her what made her even angrier. Your break was ruined anyway so you wanted to walk back to your cell but she couldn't stop provoking you. You ignored everything but when she brought your family into the game it was over. That's the only think you can't stay quiet. Furious you walked back to her and gave her the fight she wanted. After you nearly smashed her hole face the guards separated you and you were braught into a single cell. Great..but better than sharing it with some maniacs. Your third day started as a guard came to your cell. He talked about yesterday but you didn't listen directly but as he said there were visitors for you, you got curious. So the guard lead you out of your cell to the sitting room where two men in black suits waited for you. You didn't know them but you directly knew they weren't human. You set down and looked at them skeptical.
"Who are you and what do you want?", you asked directly
"The King was right", the taller one said
You looked kinda confused but the word 'King' got you thinking.
"He said we would recognize you after your first sentence. Hunters always talk the same way", the other one said
"Okay great you know what I am but what do you want from me? Why are you here demons?"
Both looked surprised.
"You got it faster than we thought", the tall one said amused
You still don't understand what they want.
"Okay listen. You're gonna be out of here in 5 minutes. We leave now and on your way to your cell you will be free. Don't ask how and why he has his reasons. We don't even know them but you can ask him yourself. With that said goodbye Y/N we will see again", the smaller one said as both got up and left.
The same guard came up to you and wanted to bring you back.
'5 minutes', you thought.
You were halfway there when something loud echoed through the halls. You thought a shot has been fired but it wasn't. Seconds later one of the walls blew up and all the guards around it were eliminated. Now you stood there with handcuffs and no guard.
'What the hell happened?'
When you looked around a man stepped out of the smoke.
"Hello Darling", he said with an scottish accent
You gasped as you saw him.
"Crowley? What the hell are you doing here?"
"Help you to get out of here you dummie. Come on they won't be passed out forever", the King of Hell said pushing
You ran through the blasted halls till you found the exit. Everyone in the prison knew about the explosions but they hopefully didn't know that it happened because of you. You stepped in a car that was waiting for the two of you.
"Oh what a normal way to flee. I'm impressed Crowley. But know could you help me get these things off", you asked him holding your hands up.
Of course he helped you and as he did you needed to ask him.
"Why did you help me?"
The King opened the handcuffs first and leaned back.
"As I heard about your current situation I needed to help you. A beautiful person like you can't just rot in prison like that.."

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