Coming Out (Dean/Destiel)

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You're Dean Winchesters best friend. He knows everything about you and you know everything about him. And with everything you mean it. You also know things that not even he knows..or better said that he doesn't want to be true. Like his sexuality for example. You're pretty sure everybody knows that he's not completely straight. He told you that he's bisexual and that's okay. You don't know why but he thinks it's bad to be 'different'. Come on..he was never normal. But the main problem is that Dean is afraid to tell anyone except you. You're always speaking to him in a good way to tell the others. He always refused it but one day it happend.
"Y/N can I talk to you for a second?", Dean asked opening your door a bit.
"Of course come in", you said laying your book aside
He came in and closed the door. He looked nervous as he came closer and sat down next to you.
"Is everything alright? Is something wrong?", you asked worried
"No. It's just..", he said breathing out heavily
"I want to tell the others about it", he said looking at you hopefull
"Dean. That's great! I'm happy that you finally feel comfortable enough to tell Sam and Cas", you said happy hugging him from the side.
"But why do you want to tell them now? Did something happen?"
"You could say something did happen. I mean something that even you wouldn't expect.."
Now you were curious but you had an idea what happened.
"You're in love with Cas?", you asked waiting for his answer
He looked at you surprised.
"How did you know that?"
"A good guess and a good feeling", you said giggling
"And I know you to well so I figured it out quickly."
He groaned, looked to the ground and back to you.
"I hope the other ones don't know it as fast as you."
He got up and held out his hand to pull you up from the bed. You took his hand and you could look him in the eyes now.
"Let's go then," he said a little nervous
You hug him again and look at him with a smile.
"You can do it and I'm with you so don't worry. And, most important, you don't need to be afraid. They won't kill or hate you for who you are. Remember. We are family and we'll never hate each other okay?"
He nooded and together you walked to the big conference room where Sam was already sitting. He looked up from a book to greet you.
"Hey", he simply said
"Hey", both of you said
He looked at you like he's waiting for you to say something. You poked Dean in the side and nooded towards Sam.
"Sam I need to tell you something.."
Sam's focus was now completely on Dean.
"Okay..did something happen?"
"No..I mean yes but nothing bad", he said sitting down next to Sam. 
You walked with him but you stayed behind him laying you right hand on his left shoulder. Sam seemed worried because of your movements but he waited patiently for Dean to continue.
"Gay?", Sam asked trying to finish the sentence.
"No..yes..I mean half..", Dean stuttered
"I'm bisexual", he said after a long breath finishing his sentence correctly.
"Oh. Okay. Since when do you know?"
"For a longer time now..but I wasn't brave enough to tell you or Cas..or someone in general", Dean said honest not mentioning you
You smiled for yourself. You could understand him. Dean was silent and he didn't seem to be happy.
"Dean what's wrong?", Sam asked
"I don't know..I feel good because I told you but I think I need to tell Cas to feel great..", Dean said looking up to you and than back to Sam
You nooded but than you leaned forward to whisper in his ear.
"Do you want to tell Cas everything?"
He nooded and you were even more proud. Than you wanted to ask Sam were Cas is but he arrived 2 seconds before you could even ask.
"Hello", he said greeting us
"Hello", all of you replied
You could tell that Dean was nervous but you believed that he would really feel better when he told Cas everything.
"Cas..I need to tell you something."
"Sure. Did something happen?", the angel asked concerned while sitting down next to Dean.
"Kind of. Okay..I'm..", he said looking to the ground
As you know he was thinking about how to say what he wanted to say. But than he looked up and starred right into Cas' eyes.
"I love you Cas"
Sam, You and Cas were speechless. Sam and Cas started to process while you just smiled. You're happy that Dean did it. Cas looked at him but he looked away. But Cas didn't allow it. He took Dean's face into his hands so he had to look at him.
"I love you too Dean"
After he said that you could see the happiness in Deans eyes. He hugged Cas tight, closed his eyes and just smiled. After the long hug Dean did the first step and kissed Cas. Sam and you applauded loudly. After the kiss you hugged each other and when Dean came to you he hugged you thight and whispered a greatfull 'Thank you so much' in your ear.

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