You're what? (Dean)

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You're on your way to a motel. Sam had just called you and to be honest he didn't sound good. As you arrived a stressed out Sam opened the door.
"Y/N good to see you. I'm so greatful that you had time. Come in", he said as he hugged you
"You look very stressed. How can I help you?", you asked as you closed the door behind you.
"It's a long story but I'll explain everything later. Bobby called and he needs my help. You have to watch over him", he said while packing stuff and pointing at a beautiful German Shepard
"Okay...I can understand that you need to help Bobby but since when do you guys have a dog?"
Sam thought for a moment like he was trying to figure out how to explain the whole stuff.
"We don't have a dog actually. That dog is Dean."
Wait what..?
"Wait..that's suppose to be Dean? How did that happen?", you asked confused
"Well we maybe had an argument with an older witch and she didn't like what we said so she cursed him. So I need to find something to get everything back to normal and Bobby can help me. Kinda funny that he has a case where I have to help him. I hope you will get along with him. If something happens call me. No matter if it's about him turning back or being aggressive. I trust you."
"Okay Sam relax. You know that I have dogs myself so I'm sure that I can handle him right?", you said and glanzed over to Dean who stepped back a bit and set on the little carped next to one of the beds.
Sam seemed impressed and happy at once.
"Thank you so much Y/N. I knew you could help me. I try to be back as fast as I can", he said as he hugged you again and than walked out the door.
You closed it again and turned around to Dean. He still set at the same spot.
"Dean?", you asked and his head moved to his left side.
"I would love to know what you two idiots did but I guess I have to wait until Sam comes back", you laughed and Dean barked
He continued to bark and you guessed that he wanted to talk to you.
"Dean I can't understand you"
So he stopped and just looked at you.
"What?", you asked and remembered that he can't answer you
You shook your head and set down on one of the beds. Dean was still looking at you. Maybe he's overwhelmed with the situation. But than he came closer to you and set down right in front of you. What does he want?
"What do you want?", you asked
"Wanna play?"
No reaction
"Do you want to go outside?"
Still no reaction
"Are you hungry?"
Wild barking.
So you got up and looked around for some food and you know what dogs can eat what they can't eat. But the fact that it's a hungry Dean.
'Better something then nothing'
You found enough food to make sandwiches. So you made as many as possible and took two aside for Bobby and Sam.
"Dean come here", you called and the German Shepard came running
"Sandwiches are actually not good for dogs but I mean it's you so here", you said and gave one to him
He ate it fast, like a dog does, and than starred at you.
"What? You want more?"
What a question it's Dean. So you gave him another one and set on one of the beds again and also ate one. After a while Dean set in front of the bed and stared at you again.
"Dean if you want food I don't have anything left."
But he didn't seem to want food.
"Come up", you sat and taped on the bedsheets
He immediately jumped up und seemed happier.
"What should we do?", you asked and looked over to him
He just laid his head to his right side and listened to what you said. But than he laid down next to you.
"Okay let's chill than", you said and laid down comfortable
So did Dean. He first laid with his head towards your feet so you could pet his back. But you got a little tired and didn't notice that he turned around completely so your now petting his head.
Sam and Bobby came back after a long time and as they entered the motel room they saw you two. Dean had turned back into himself but it seemed like you didn't notice. You were laying there, sleeping, while Dean was also sleeping. He had an arm around your waist and your hand was on his head. The hunters didn't know what happened but they smiled and let the two of you sleep. You looked adorable and Sam had hope that Dean would finally get a great girlfriend/boyfriend. And as Sam saw that you left sandwiches for them he smiled and, for once, prayed that you would stay.

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