Besties (Crowley)

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Living the hunter life isn't easy, everyone knows but you have to make the best out of it. And sometimes luck is on your side and stays. A long time ago on a case you met a man. Mysterious looking but nice in his way. He offered you his help, which made you curious. Fellow hunters helping each other is a normal thing but he didn't look like one, dressed way to fancy. You didn't agree to take his offer but he still stayed by your side. After some talking and laughing you thought you give him a chance. So you talked now and then, met up for fun stuff and everything friends do. You ended up being best friends but little did you know that you befriended the king of hell himself. As he told you, you were shook. How in hell didn't you noticed it at all? You felt embarrassed. A hunter who couldn't spot a demon even though he was right in front of you.
"I know it must be a shock but I sincerely hope that doesn't change anything between us", Crowley said looking a little worried
You looked up at him and just smiled. Yes the fact the he is indeed the king of hell is surprising and somehow shocking but it doesn't change the connection the two of you share.
"Of course not. You're still the best I know doesn't matter if you're a demon or not. And being king of hell is something no one else can say so."
Both of you laughed and hugged it out. You spent even more time, he helped on all sorts of cases that weren't demon related. One day you met the Winchester brothers on a case you were working on. Good to met other hunters. Over the time more and more hunters got killed or retired from the business. The two were really cool and also handsome, so good company. As you were searching for clues or evidence of what exactly your after you felt a tingle in your hands.
'The hell was that?', you thought
Little worried you wanted to tell Sam as both of them stood still looking behind you.
"Hello boys", a very familiar voice said
A big smile came across your lips as you turned around to see your bestie.
"Hello darling long time no see", Crowley said smirking
You playfully punched his shoulder.
"You could've shown yourself sooner. I can't just come down to hell you know", you said hugging him tight which he returned.
As you let go of him you turned around to face Dean and Sam which looked at you with confusion.
"What the hell was that?", Dean asked sounding angry
"What do you mean?", you asked slightly confused forgetting the fact who Crowley was
"Your cuddeling with the fucking King of hell and ask me what I mean?", Dean said while his voice got louder
Sam tried to calm him down but it had not much of an effect on him. Dean turned away from him and walked a bit around while Sam tried to understand the situation. Also it seams like they already knew Crowley because he greeted them in the beginning. So you explained the whole story to Sam and he nodded understanding. Dean on the other hand listened but remained quiet.
"By the way Darling I have somethig for you", Crowley suddenly said with a big smile on his face
"The reason why I came here now is because of your birthday. I hope you didn't thought I would forget you. To be honest I didn't know what to get you exactly so I hope its okay", he said with a slight worry in his eyes
With a snap of his fingers something appeared in his arms but you couldn't see it. He held his arms as if a baby would lay in them but still you saw nothing. The confusion in your face  was enough for him to understand.
"Apologies I forgot that you couldn't see it without help", he said smiling amused and handed you glasses
You looked at them scepital but put them on anyways and saw the surprise he had for you. In his arms laid a little, black puppy with glowing red eyes.
"Is that a.."
"Hellhound puppy? Yes it is. I thought because you love dogs I get you one but I couldn't get a normal one so I got her from my princess."
All of you were shocked and couldn't believe he acutally brought a puppy from hell as a gift for you.
"I know it's surprising but I still hope you like it. I'll help you take care of it if you want. So we can spend more time together", the king offered smirking
"Sounds like a plan. Sorry guys that you had to experience this weird situation. I hope evrythings good."
You search for a piece of paper, scribble your number on it and gave it to Sam.
"In case you need help on something just call me. Thats what hunters do right?", you said smiling
Sam appreciated your offer and returned your smile. You didn't want to leave them standing so you finished the case together and returned home with Crowley and the puppy which you named Lilith.

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