190730 ~ party

236 21 0

I'm kind of obsessing over Jaebum lately. It will pass eventually. Or not.


Jimin's hands were clammy as he rang the door bell. He waited for a moment but no one came to the door. Behind him, Yoongi chuckled slightly.

"It's open." Yoongi spoke up.

"Oh" Jimin raised his eyebrow as he opened the door. Both boys were hit with a wall of humidity and the smell of alcohol.

"Stick with me and you'll be alr—"

Jimin was already running inside to the middle of the living room, dancing. "Come on! I love this song!"

Yoongi laughed, showing off his gums. He walked inside, closing the door behind him as he admired Jimin's dancing. He could tell he was a dancer, his body was amazing as he moved to each beat. Yoongi was too busy admiring Jimin himself, he didn't notice everyone else doing the same.

He quickly took Jimin by the arm, "let's get a drink." He shouted over the music.

"But I'm going to miss my favourite song." Jimin pouted.

As they got to the drinks and food table where they could finally hear each other, Yoongi sighed, "you know, I produced that song." He said casually as he poured both a drink.

"W-what?" Jimin's eyes widen adorably.

"Yeah..." Yoongi wanted to impress Jimin, he wanted to have his attention. He never used his producing skills as a way to win someone over but, he liked Jimin way too much.

"So you're a producer?" Jimin grabbed his drink from Yoongi. Taking a small sip, eyes never leaving the older's.

"Yeah, I guess." Yoongi shrugged, also taking a sip. "I'll show you all my music one day."

One day. Jimin blushed.

"Hey! Yoongi!" Yoongi and Jimin snapped their heads round to the shouting.

"Yugyeom! Hey. How's it going?" The two hugged and started a friendly conversation.

Jimin just stood there, waiting to be introduced.

"I came for the food, obviously. Hoseok should know how much I love finger food. Oooo party rings." Yugyeom reached passed Jimin to get his food.

As time went on, Jimin realised he's not getting the attention he wanted. "I'm gonna go... dance..." he said to the boys, neither of them hearing.

Jimin downed his drink before walking off. As he got to the living room, where everyone was dancing, he let loose and began to just feel the music. He danced with everyone, not caring who. About 30 minutes later, he felt someone behind him, grinding. Of course Jimin was too emerged in his dancing to care. In fact, Jimin turned around and started dancing in time with the other guy, both moving together. The other man bit his lip as his hands raised to Jimin's waist, feeling a little too much. Jimin didn't mind as long as the guy stayed like that.

As the song came to an end, Jimin tried to shout over the next song. "I'm getting a drink!" The guy nodded.

"Wait here!" He said. "I'll get us one!" Jimin waited and continued dancing. This went on for around an hour. Jimin and this guy dancing to all songs that were played, drinking new drinks every time the song ended.

By now, Jimin had spilt at least 3 of his drinks and stumbled a few times. He was a lightweight and never drank, just in case he regressed in the process.

"You're soooo hot Mr." Jimin stumbled again and fell against the mans chest. "You don't talk... like everrrr. Buuut that's hoooot."

"I'll go get another drink!" The man chuckled. As he turned, he was met with a furious Yoongi.

"No you won't." Yoongi pushed his hand against the mans chest. "Can you not see he's already drunk as it is? Anymore will knock him out. Or is that what you want? Huh?

"Yooooonieee!" Jimin's high pitched voice rang through his ears. Jimin ran and stumbled to him, Yoongi caught him, keeping his arm around the younger's waist. "My yoonieeee" Jimin sang into his ear.

"Dude, go get a drink for someone else, okay?" Yoongi really didn't want to cause any trouble.

"Fine, he's too drunk for a good quickie anyway. He's all yours."

He walked away as Yoongi balled his fists trying not to punch the man. He had never felt this anger before.

"Owieeeee" Jimin grabbed Yoongi's hand that was gripping his waist too tight.

"Sorry, sorry. Let's go get some fresh air, yeah?" Yoongi loosened his grip as he guided Jimin away.

"Hey Yoongi!" Hoseok slurred as he was about to make a shot at beer pong.

"Hey, were just heading out to get some fresh air!"

"Keep it family friendly my dude!"

Yoongi pushed past crowds of people trying to get around his own house. This just infuriated him more. Yoongi did not like people making themselves at home in his home.

As the two made it outside Yoongi groaned, letting off some steam.

"Yoongi, I'm cold." Yoongi snapped his round at the voice.

"Wait here. Okay? Please don't go anywhere." Yoongi sprinted inside, two steps at a time. He made it to his room and grabbed the biggest hoodie he had and a blanket.

He raced downstairs, hoping with everything in him that Jimin was still there.

He made it back outside, where he saw Jimin, asleep on the garden furniture.

Yoongi sat next to the younger and lifted his head on to his lap. He gently ran his hand through Jimin's silky pink hair. 

Yoongi was so angry with himself. How had he let him go off like that? Dance with another man? Get this drunk? It's been 2 hours! Yoongi sighed. Examining the sleeping beauty, drool and puffy cheeks. He had decided then and there, he was determined to protect his little mochi with his life.

"You've got me. Now please can I have you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2019 ⏰

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