190723 pt.2

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"You can't just ring the bell Hoseok that's so rude."

"Well how else are we gonna order, you plank." Hoseok rang the bell staring at Yoongi the entire time.

"Hoseok you litt-"

"I'm sorry sir but your order will be done shortly please just take— O-oh, sorry. Hello, how can I help?"

Yoongi froze, he could feel his heart pounding against his ribs. "Hiya," Hoseok spoke up, "can I ask what you may recommend for the both of us?"

Yoongi watched as the boy spoke to Hoseok, so polite and well mannered. He loved the way his lips moved and the way his eyes would widen when he suggested yummy desserts.

"We'll take that one then" Hoseok smiled.

"Okie dokie. Just take a seat and it should be done in about ten minutes." The boy glanced between the two men, blushing when he met eyes with Yoongi.

The two took a seat by the wall, "Hoseok did you see that? Did you fucking see that?" Yoongi referred to the blushing boy.

"Yes I did, now that means he obviously has an attraction to you so fucking speak up next time"

The two waited patiently for their food. If Hoseok was to be honest he just wanted to eat and leave, however he knew he had to be a good friend and be the wingman.

Meanwhile, in the kitchen Jimin was having a mini heart attack. "Grandma he's here, he's here. Oh my God do I look okay?"

"Jimin sweets, you look amazing. You always do."

"Okay, okay. Is their food ready yet?"

"Yes it's just there"

Jimin ran a hand through his hair before walking through to the front of the shop. He found their table quickly "here you go, is there anything else I can get you?"

"No, we're good thank you" Jimin heard a deep and smooth voice that made him want to kneel down in front of the man.

"O-Okay" Jimin blushed again. "Enjoy" he managed to squeak out.

Some time passed and two boys finished their lunches and were ready to set off. Hoseok, being the angel he was known to be, started clearing the table and stacking the plates and mugs they had used.

Jimin noticed this and rushed over. "Oh sir, it's okay I'll take this." Jimin took the stack of crockery off of him. He paused as he noticed the logo on the others cap. "You went to SNU?" Jimin asked him shyly.

"I- uh yeah. I graduated two years ago"

"I go there now. It's quite something" Jimin spoke as he walked to the counter, setting the dishes down.

The two others followed the smaller boy. "Is that so? What are you studying may I ask?"

"I'm gonna go wait outside, Yoongi." Hoseok took an opportunity to leave the two alone to talk.

"I'm doing dance. I'd love to become a dancer, however I'll settle as a dance teacher if I don't make it"

Yoongi leaned on the surface. "Really, I bet you're amazing. I just get that vibe." He smiled at the younger boy.

"Thank you" Jimin blushed. He tried to cover it up by punching in the numbers on the till.

Once Yoongi had paid, he didn't want to leave. He felt like his feet were glued. Just as he gathered up the energy to leave he quickly turned back on his heels. "Actually, my friends and I are having a little get together or small party tonight. Do you want to come? You may know some from college?" Yoongi scratched the back of neck. Of course he won't want to come!

"I do need to get out more, yeah I'll go. Text me the address and times" Jimin wrote his number on a nearby napkin along with his name and handed it to the man.

"Great. I'll see you tonight then" Yoongi winked and left.

💛🌸✨Little Mochi✨🌸💛 Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ