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"Jimin, you can stop laughing now." Yoongi said, embarrassed.

"Sorry but it was just so funny" Jimin began laughing again, tears in his eyes.

Yoongi had never seen such a beautiful sight. He was perfect. No matter how hard he tried, Yoongi couldn't help but smile with the younger boy.

"Yo-you f-fell an-and," Jimin stopped for breaths. "Th-the popcorn went fl-flying."

"Yes I know. My ankle hurts now." Yoongi pouted.

Jimin wiped away his tears and looked up at the older boy, "it was funny though, you have to admit"

"I'm just glad I can make you laugh." Yoongi rolled his eyes jokingly.

"What do you want to do now?" Jimin asked.

Yoongi was relieved that neither of them wanted to go their separate ways yet. "We could go to the arcade?" Yoongi suggested.

"Yes yes yes! Come on!" Jimin's tiny hand grabbed Yoongi's causing butterflies to erupt inside of him.


Jimin was half way through trying to win a small stuffy from the claw machine when Yoongi got a text.

Hoseok: bring Jimin to Jin and Namjoon's place. 🤪

Yoongi: and why would I do that?

Hoseok: why not? We're playing a few games, having some drinks. I assume you're little date is nearly finished and I also assume you don't want to leave him yet. So come onnnn 💩

Yoongi: okay. We'll be 10 minutes.

"Hey Jimin," Yoongi started but stopped when he saw Jimin's frown. "Hey, Hey, what's the matter?"

"I- I can't get it" Jimin's chin started to tremble slightly. "A- and I have no coins left"

"No problem, let's keeps trying until we get it. Let me try, okay?" Yoongi slotted in a pound and prayed with all his might that he would get at least something. His eyes lit up when the claw grasped the stuffy Jimin had wanted.

"Yes yes yes!" Yoongi shouted.

"What?" Jimin sniffed behind him. The younger gasped when he saw that Yoongi had managed to get the stuffy.

Yoongi then reached into the machine to retrieve his prize, the biggest grin on his face.

"Yoongi! You did it!"

"Here, you wanted it"

"Really?" Jimin gasped. "Yoonie Thank you Thank you!"

"J-Jimin? A-are you little?" Yoongi asked hesitantly.

"Ummmmmm" Jimin thought for a moment before he vigorously nodded. "Jiminie sleepy"

"Do you remember Jin Hyung Jiminie?"

"Hmmm Yes."

"Well he as invited us over there for some games. Do you think you can be a little bigger for me?" Yoongi was careful with what he was saying. He knew that Kookie would throw a tantrum when asked to be bigger.

"Hmmm okie. Jiminie will try!" Jimin smiled cutely.

"Good boy" Yoongi looked lovingly at the younger "now.... race you to the car!"

Jimin giggled as he ran behind Yoongi, soon overtaking him on the stairs to the car park. "You're such an old man!" Jimin shouted behind him.

Here ya go. Goodnight 💜💜


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