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Jimin waited on the stool next to the cash machine as the day came to an end. Well, it was only 4:05 and they'd had no customers since 3pm so the usual lunch time rush had ended giving him and his grandma some time to relax. Jimin thought about that man with the blonde hair and baseball cap and giggled to himself as he remembered how out of place he seemed.

"Hey, grandma," Jimin made his way to the small seating area at the back of the shop. "Did that man give you his name anywhere?" He asked, blushing at how desperate that sounded.

"Honey, there are lots of men that come in" she looked up through her glasses at the small boy.

"The one that was wearing black..."

"Ah yes the nice one," she thought for a moment before shaking her head, "nope, no name, sweetheart." She frowned.

"Oh okay, maybe he'll come tomorrow" Jimin thought out loud.

"Yes dear, now go and close the shop early. Take yourself home and relax there." His grandmother stood up and cupped his cheeks making Jimin look like a fish. "Go and watch those cartoons, wear your cute pyjamas and drink your milk, darling. I know you've been stressing out lately with college work and such. Just relax tonight." With that she kissed his forehead.

"Thank you grandma. I love you" She smiles fondly and turns back to her seat.

Jimin loved his grandma more than anything in the world. However little Jimin loved his stuffed elephant, Ellie, just a tiny bit more. He felt himself regressing just at the thought of his cozy pyjamas, cartoons and his favourite blankie. He nearly squealed in excitement as he practically ran home.

Back at Yoongi's place, Hoseok stared at his best friend as he happily hummed, wiping down the surfaces in the kitchen, after making them their favourite dish.

"So first you run home, like actually run, then you tell me how much you love me and thank me for some reason, then you go and spontaneously make up a real meal... our favourite meal and now you're actually cleaning the kitchen. You haven't insulted me or gone in your room at all this afternoon. What's up?"

"Oh, Hoseok, Hobi, Hobi, Hobi, my little sunshine." Yoongi smiled his gummy smile. "I have met an angel" he sighed and fell back onto the sofa next to Hoseok.

"A-a what?" Hoseok bit back a laugh.

Yoongi just turned his head toward the younger, a goofy smile plastered on his face. "An angel, Hoseok"

"Okay... what's she like?"


"Okay... what's he like?"

"He's cute. He has pink hair, plump lips, cute crescent eyes and he smells like oranges." Yoongi thought back to the boy. He needed to go tomorrow with Hoseok so he had more confidence. He needs to talk to him, hear his voice.

"So you've never spoken to him?"

"We're going there for lunch tomorrow Hoseok."

"It's a date"

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