Chapter Nine

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Yoongi hugged the large bear tightly as he unlocked the door. What was he gonna tell the members if they question him about it?

But they didn't. All of them simply looked at Yoongi with his bear and completely ignored him. What was going on? Why weren't they talking to him?

Yoongi figured that they were mad that he ran out on them so he decided to give them some space for a while and apologise when the time is right.

Scratch that, it's been two whole days since they started avoiding him. Yoongi wondered if he should've apologised earlier. He was crushed when they saw the members hanging out together, excluding him.

One time, they went out for dinner and didn't even bother to ask Yoongi if he wanted to go too. Yoongi of course blamed himself for the members' behaviour. He was always distant and cold to them after all. It's no wonder that they'd start treating him the same way.

Yoongi felt so lonely. He wanted warmth and affection. But he knew it would be wrong if he expected it from the members since he never did the same for them.

Yoongi was now in his bedroom, lying on his king-sized bed which he now shared with Darwin, the teddy bear he had bought. He could hear the members' chatter and laughter in the living room.

They were having fun despite his absence and that made Yoongi upset. Nobody really needs him after all. Just a dead weight to the team. They'd be fine without him.

Yoongi failed to hold in his tears and burst out crying. He instantly regressed into little space. His soft cries turned to sobs and hiccups. Taehyung was the first one to notice the sound so he ushered the members to follow him into Yoongi's room.

There was Yoongi, crying his eyes out on his bed. Taehyung and the rest of the members crowded him and asked him what's wrong.

"Y-Yoonie fewl lonely," Yoongi said, now in Namjoon's embrace. "No-Nobody wikes Yoonie anymore."

Seokjin rubbed Yoongi's back in an attempt to calm him down. He whispered in the younger's ear, "That's not true, Yoongichi. We all love you very much."

"Liar!" Yoongi said, glaring at Seokjin. "If you wove Yoonie, t-then why ewibody ignore Yoonie?"

"I'm sorry, cub. We didn't do it on purpose. After this, we can hang out together as much as you want, okay? We could play and cuddle. How does that sound?"

Yoongi liked that. He lifted his pinky finger and said, "Promise?"

Namjoon linked their pinky fingers and pressed his forehead against the little's, making him giggle. "Promise."

They all hugged Yoongi as they smiled to themselves. It worked. Their plan had worked.

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