Chapter Twenty-Four

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"Papa?" Yoonie said as he was being picked up by Seokjin. "Aht's wong?"

From the corner of his eyes, he could see his daddy holding back the maknae line from attacking Seongsu who looked like he was gonna poop his pants.

Jimin and Jungkook looked pissed but they were as calm as one should be in these kinds of situation. Taehyung however...

"Let me go, hyung! There's a literal fucking stranger holding Yoongi-hyung and you expect me to calm down?!" Taehyung shouted as he tried to snatch his arm from Namjoon. He managed to escape and was about to grab Seongsu by the collar when Hoseok held him back.

Yoonie gasped which earned the attention of his caregivers. "Papa, Taetae's bein mean to Seongie! Stop im!"

"Seongie?" Seokjin said as he looked at the little in his arms. "Do you know him Yoonie?"

"Yeah, Seongie's Yoonie's manger!"

"Manager?" Namjoon said. He then looked at the scared man on the floor. "You're Kwon Seongsu? Hyung's new manager?"

"Y-Yes," Seongsu managed to stutter out.

"How long did you see him act like this?"

"Uh, like since yesterday?"

"You haven't told anyone, I assume?" Namjoon asked with a deep voice, intimidating the poor manager.

"Daddy! Stop bulling Seongi!" Yoonie cried, seeing the terrified look on Seongsu.

"No, I didn't and I-I'm not planning to."

"Don't trust him, hyung," Jungkook suddenly said.

The rest of the maknae line nodded their heads in agreement, Seongsu was dangerous. Knowing this little fact about Yoongi could potentially destroy them, especially Yoongi. They couldn't afford to believe him just like that.

"Let's all take a seat first," Seokjin said as he pulled Yoonie with him to the couch.

The little had a very worried expression on his face. All his caregivers were bullying his new friend! What if Seongsu doesn't want to play with him anymore? Yoonie hated the thought of that.

"Seongie is Yoonie's fwen! Yoonie hates anyone who bullies im!" Yoonie pouted as he crossed his arms.

Hoseok pats his head to calm him down. "Nobody's bullying him, my little sunshine. We're just worried about you."

"You barely know him, Yoonie," Taehyung said with a frown. He tried to relax his facial muscles as to not distress little Yoonie but that was the best he could do. "He could be a bad man."

Seongsu, in the midst of all, this was sat at the couch politely with his head down. He really doesn't have any evil intentions! But he understood that he was just a manager, a new one at that, and that anything he said would just seem like lies to them. He was a little happy that Yoonie was standing up for him so passionately though.

"Barely know him?" Yoonie, no, Yoongi repeated.

This change of character made the boys perk up. The pouty little was no more and the mature, calm and albeit a little cold Yoongi has returned.

"I've known you guys for seven years and some even more, and you still had the audacity to manipulate me into regressing, didn't you?"

.  .  .

ello, im back. i have exams soon though so it'd probably be a long time before i update. what did u guys think of this chapter? hue hue.

if u're lost n confused on the last paragraph, refer to ch 9(?)

consent is really important and it didn't feel right to just leave this topic behind. it also felt like the right time to bring it up.

das it. sorry for the short chapter.

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