❅ Chapter Nineteen ❅

Start from the beginning

Risa hesitantly walked towards Vincent and let out a groan. She couldn't believe she was going to be escorted by him. "Do I have to be escorted the whole night by you?" She had a hint of annoyance in her voice but tried to let it go so it wouldn't bother her because she didn't want her night spoiled.

Vincent blinked a few times, he was at a loss for words. He stood there like a deer-in-the-headlights forgetting all she had said. "You look very beautiful." He said obviously for a short moment in a trance-like state. Yes, she had looked beautiful before in Marie's outfits, but this was a true evening gown that flattered her in every way.

He snapped out of the trance-like state shaking his head and helping her into the carriage. He was not about to get all mushy on her by how beautiful she looked all dolled up. Many other girls he had felt the same way about but it was just temporary. She was no different from them. 

Unless through this whole thing he had feelings for her. That could explain why he was so torn about bringing up to the Rosenbergs that Risa could be Clarissa. It seemed most plausible and yes money was involved but was it worth it? Yes, yes it was worth it. 

Risa was taken aback by his sudden change of attitude, what on earth did Rolando do? Was he being genuinely sincere about how she looked? Was he truly smitten by her beauty to the point he was at a loss for words? Of course not. That wasn't how Vincent was, he was only focused on himself and no one else.

She nodded her head for his help into the carriage. "Thank you, Vincent and you look very handsome." She meant her words because truthfully, aside from his personality, he was a good-looking guy, and maybe, just maybe, he was decent. As long as changed his morals from his con-artist views.

Vincent glanced over at her as the carriage began to move. What was he to say to that? He never thought she would utter those words. "Oh, thank you for being handsome? So does that mean you are admitting you like me in one way or another?" He teased giving one of his signature dazzling smiles.

Risa scoffed, gently punching his arm and shaking her head. He was still as pompous as ever. "Don't get a big head about it. I think anyone is handsome without being attractive to you. I was merely pointing out - you know I do not have to explain myself to you." She looked out the window.

Vincent raised his eyebrows amused by what she was saying. "Oh no, please keep going Risa, you are just digging yourself a deeper hole if you keep speaking. I am more curious to know what type of feelings you have for me." He said leaning over close to her and giving a playful smile.

Risa gently pushed him away from her and crossed her arms over her chest. He may have been teasing her, but she couldn't help but be flattered. "Oh come on, feelings for you? For the past month and a half, you have been nothing but a jerk!" She exclaimed, disbelieving what he was saying.

Vincent put his hands up in front of him in his defense. He did kinda deserve that so he wasn't offended in any way. "A handsome jerk, correction. You acting so defensive shows you have feelings for me and I couldn't be flattered since all the girls always are that way." He pointed out all the cockiness about his words.

Risa groaned, slouching in her chair and pulling her coat up around her neck tighter. Some things still stuck with her and slouching was one of them. "Good grief, can you stop? I am not getting defensive, I just don't feel comfortable with where you are going." She shrugged it off gently.  "I could also say the same thing about you, with how you were staring at me like the deer-in-the-headlights."

Vincent sighed, she was something else huh? "I was merely teasing and trying to get your goat. In no way do I feel that way about you. I find you annoying. Also, stop slouching, it isn't becoming of a lady." He pointed out making it clear that he felt nothing towards her whether it was true or not.

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