Setting Up Camp

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     It wasn't too long before the four of you had decided to set up camp along side a river. Abel and Boris took everyone's bags and began to set up for the night as you and Bendy were assigned to go search for some dry firewood. 

     "Keep an eye out for anything, these parts can be dangerous! Crawling with creepy crawlies and squirming with rabid beasts!!" Bendy said dramatically with emphasis. You gasped, clasping your hands together over your mouth, suddenly getting filled with excitement. "It's our job to successfully retrieve some firewood, and we're gonna do just that!" The demon added with an adventurous tone as he threw his fist up in the air, stepping on a rock. This made you giggle a small bit. With that, the two of you had ventured carefully into the tree line around your camp in search for wood. 

     Back to the other two, Abel couldn't help but notice how Boris is appearing a bit more cautious than normal. Every now and then he'd steal a glance of him glaring in the direction from which the four had come from. "Uhm, Boris? Could you lend me a hand with this?" The angel asked, looking up at the wolf. "..." No response. "Boris..? Hellooooo?" he attempted to get his attention once more. "..." Again, no response. "BORIS!" Abel raised his voice at the wolf. "H-Huh?! Oh, what's up?" Boris had finally snapped out of his trance, turning his attention towards the shorter male. "I was asking if you could lend me a hand with this, but it seems you're a bit distracted." Abel explained, gently dropping what he was doing. 

     Boris held up his hands in a dismissive manner. "Distracted? Oh, goodness no." He quickly replied. The face that Abel had given him read that he was calling complete bullshit. "Really?" He raised a brow, crossing his arms and shifting his weight on to the other leg. A moment of silence was drawn between the two. Abel sighed and gave a serious and somewhat concerned look at Boris. "You've been acting off lately, like you're trying to be overly cautious or something. Is something wrong Boris?" He asked, genuinely concerned for the wolfs well being. "If something is bothering you Boris, I'm here if you need to talk." He added. Boris stayed silent for a moment, then sighed. He looked around before beginning to speak in a soft tone. "I think there's something dangerous following us." Abel flinched, suddenly becoming aware of their surroundings. "Is that why you insisted on getting out of that one area a while ago?" He asked, now speaking in a low tone as the wolf did. Boris nodded. "I don't think that anything is close to us at the moment but we need to be cautious and aware. I hope it isn't what I think it is, but that's not important right now." He explained. Abel had a curious look drawn on his face, he wanted more information form him. Boris sighed, "Look, if it's what I think it is, then we're in trouble. All we need to do is focus on getting to The Elder One's place and getting (Y/n) the help she needs." He said sternly, getting back to work. 

     As Boris and Abel finished setting up for the night, you and Bendy had come back from your exciting adventure. Bendy had you on his shoulders as he carried all the heavier pieces of wood. While you on the other hand simply held on to a few twigs. "We're baaaaack~!" Bendy announced in a sing-song voice to get the others' attention, making you giggle. 

     The others waved towards the two of you. With that, you and bendy made a good sized campfire and the four of you sat around it for warmth as the sun began to set on the horizon. 

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