Nothings Gonna Harm You

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This one shot has mentions of abuse and rape, but they're minor. If you would like to skip this one goes ahead. This is Mikey x Gerard (Brotherly Love) Also some Frerard but small. Enjoy!

Abusive! Frank

Little! Gerard

Protective! Mikey


It had been nearly a week since he had been home, and Gerard didn't think he would ever come back. No calls or texts that explained where he was or if he was okay. It was usually like this when Frank went on business trips. He told Gerard that work, and home should never mix, which is why he never knew when Frank was coming or going.

The truth of the matter was that Frank was in such deep shit he was drowning in it. Previously a well-respected OBG/YN Frank was making bank. But after a few sexual assault allegations, his career and his reputation were going to the shitter. He was doing his best to keep the news from Gerard. Frank knew that if Gee ever knew that he had done this stuff, he would leave him.

Not that it was really what bugged him about it, it was just, he couldn't find anyone more submissive and fun to fuck with than Gerard. He had him wrapped around his piano fingers like twine and if he said 'Jump' Gerard was asking 'How High, Daddy?'

Gee was his fucktoy and he would never let him go.


Gerard was skittering around the house trying to get everything ready. It was one of those times when Frank doesn't come home for weeks, and he got the 'I'm coming home' text. Gerard had his bright red hair tied in a messy bun as he went from the stove to laundry to cleaning a random area in the house.

He had been working since he woke up this morning, toiling tirelessly to make sure the house was perfect for his 'Daddy'. He was working up until he heard the doorknob jiggling and a click at the front door. He stood at the door in his spot that he always stands in, and waits for Frank to walk in.

When Frank spots the smiling Gerard he sighs. He can hear Gerard attempting to grab his attention, but he's too tired to deal with him tonight. Gerard tells him about supper and how he made dessert but, Frank only grunted in response. This caused the little to whine at the lack of attention which made Frank's head begin to pound. He couldn't deal with his own shit and a Bratty little.

Making his way away from the kitchen and to his office, Frank said, "Gee baby, Daddy's tired just bring dinner to me when it's done, Honey."

Then again, Gerard was alone in the large house. He thought about pestering Frank to give him attention, but he knew that would go bad for him.

The meatballs in the pot were at a rolling boil when Gerard sadly sauntered back into the kitchen. He fixed Frank a plate and other than when he greeted him at the door of his office, he didn't see Frank for the rest of the night. He didn't even come to bed.


The next morning, he was passed out in his office on a stack of papers. Though the sight was quite cute, Gerard knew it was probably more of a stress power nap than deep sleep. 'Frankie was so worried about work that he could barely have time to take care of himself, 'Gerard thought.

Gerard felt sick today, but, he thought he would do something nice for his daddy. He powered through his fever and made Frank eggs and bacon.

Gee thought that it could have been the smell, or maybe the fact that it was close to 2 pm, but Frank waltzed into the kitchen with his messy hair and tired eyes. Honestly, the smell was making Gerard's stomach upset. After he finished, he would probably lay back down.

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