Hello Beautiful (An Exclamtion Point Fanfic)

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Dad:SAMMIE!!! WAKE UP!!! You're going to Maryland today with Jackie,remember?

I instantly sat up in my bed. I almost forgot! I had to get ready! I rolled out of bed and walked over to my closet to pick out an outfit. Since I was just gonna be in the car all day,I just decided to wear sweatpants and a t-shirt. I changed,then I did my hair and makeup. Then I grabbed my suitcase and headed downstairs to wait for Jackie. After waiting for what seemed like forever,she finally showed up.

Me:Dad,I'm going!!!

Dad:Ok,have fun!

Me:I will!

I ran out the door and hopped in the backseat of Jackie's Mom's car.

Jackie:I can't wait to get to Maryland!!!

Me:Me neither!

Jackie:You know what would be awesome?


Jackie:If we met Exclamation Point while we're there!

Me:Yeah it would,but I doubt it will happen...

Jackie:You never know,we might!

Me:Whatever. I'm taking a nap.

*8 hours later*

???:Sammie,wake up!!! We're here!

I slowly opened my eyes to see Jackie sitting over me,smiling. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. We were in front of a hotel.

Me:Is this the hotel we're staying in?


Me:Well you don't have to be a bitch about it...GOD.

Jackie:Well anyways,my mom already went inside to check us in. We should probably go inside,too.


Jackie and I got out of the car and walked into the lobby. Jackie's mom was at the front desk,checking us in. 2 minutes later,she walked over to us.

Jackie's mom:Ok,let's go get our stuff and bring it to our room! Our room is 215!

Jackie and I:Ok!

We all walked outside,grabbed our stuff,and took it to our room. As soon as we got in our room,I sat my suitcase down and sat on one of the beds. The bed was so comfy!!!

Jackie:Hey,Sammie,wanna go to the beach? It's just down the road!

Me:Jackie. We just got here. Let me relax.

Jackie:But we can stare at hot guys...

I perked up.

Me:Good point. I'll go change.

After Jackie and I were done changing,we grabbed some towels and sunscreen. Then we started walking to the beach. When we got there,it was so crowded! Jackie and eventually found a spot,so we put our stuff down there. Then we put on some sunscreen. We started running towards the water,but then something caught my eye. I saw this guy that looked REALLY familiar. Finally,I recognized him. It was Paul Zimmer from Exclamation Point! He must've saw me staring at him,cuz he walked over to me.

Paul:Hey,you look familiar!

I was SUPER nervous. I didn't know what to say.

Me:Um,I'm Sammie. You follow me on Twitter.

Paul:Oh,aren't you @loganfan5?


I couldn't believe he actually remembered me! Paul smiled at me.

Paul:Well it's nice to finally meet you.

Suddenly,someone screamed in my ear.


I turned around and saw that it was Jackie.


Jackie:Paul,we're like,your biggest fans!


Me:Yes,it's true. We love you and Danny sooo much!

Paul:Well,that's sweet of you guys! Hold on,let me call Danny over. HEY DANNY,GET OVER HERE,THESE GIRLS ARE OUR BIGGEST FANS!!!

Danny ran over and smiled at us.

Danny:Hey,girls! So you're our number one fans.huh?

I just smiled at him,shyly.

Me:Um,yeah,I guess...

Danny:Awe,how cute is that?

I just blushed and looked at the ground. Danny is so cute. I've always had a huge crush on him.

Paul:So,how would you guys like to hang out with us?

Jackie just gave me this very surprising look.


Danny:Yeah! I mean,you ARE our biggest fans...

Me:We'd love to hang out with you!

Paul:Alright! We could all go to my house! How does that sound?

Jackie:Sounds good! I just gotta ask my mom for permission first!

Paul and Danny:Alright!

After Jackie got permission from her mom,we went back to the hotel and changed. Then Paul and Danny picked us up and took us to Paul's house.

Hello Beautiful (An Exclamtion Point Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now