Final Chapter

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  Two months later...

  The sun was bright and the weather was fantastic. Rachel could feel the cold air caressing her skin. What a lovely day!
A lot had happened in the past two months. The police had done a great deal since then. They had discovered that Maria had blown up the second floor. All evidence lead to her. Stella was killed by doctor Steven, and he was killed by a random patient. That much they knew from Patrick and I. Doctor Steven's secret project had been revealed. All the documents had been retrieved by the police waiting for further analysis. As for Kevin and Kelly, they were in perfect condition. Kevin had apologised for not being there for Rachel. He was constantly being told off by doctor Steven whenever he tried to contact Rachel. Every time he wanted to visit, doctor Steven made up an excuse to prevent him from doing so. Rachel wasn't mad at Kevin. She knew how dangerous doctor Steven was, and that he would have done anything to get what he wanted. Rachel crossed her arms as she gazed outside the window.

  Knock, knock, knock.
  "Come in," said Rachel.
  "Hello there."
  "Hello Patrick, come on in."
  "How are you today?"
  "I am good and you?"
  "I am great."
  "How is she?" Asked Rachel.
  "The doctors said that she is improving."
  "That is great news Patrick. I am so happy for you."
  "Thank you Rachel. How is your family?"
  "They are doing great. Kevin had finally found himself a proper job."
  "Your mother must be really happy."
  "You bet she is."
  "Are you sure you are okay? I mean after all that had happened."
  "I am fine."
  "How is the treatment going?"
  "It is okay. I am managing."
  "Any progress?"
  "Yes, a lot actually. Take a look." She handed him a pile of papers.
  "Sorry to disturb you, but it is time for some routine check-up," said an unenthusiastic nurse.
  "I will be waiting outside until they are done. Be good." Patrick planted a kiss on Rachel's forehead before leaving the room. They had been through a lot. Their friendship grew stronger since the tragic incident at the asylum. 

  Rachel contemplated mother nature from the comfort of her room. This time along, the window was low. She could easily look out and take in some fresh air. The walls of her room were white, but not padded. Her gown was without straps. She even had furniture and a television in the room. Rachel sighed at the bad memories. Many of which she still couldn't remember. Over here they treated her better. She was loved. The staff cared for her. She felt like she belonged. She was still on the road to recovery. She had finally accepted the fact that she had tantrums, been violent, and had even done things she never thought she would ever do. But most importantly, she accepted the fact that she was mentally ill and needed professional help.

Thank you so much for reading till the end. I hope you enjoyed reading the novel as much as i enjoyed writing it. Please take some time to give me your feedback. It is highly appreciated. Thank you! :))

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