Chapter 28

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    Maria got trapped between the patients on the floor. She had no where to go. She ran into a storage room with the patients trailing behind her at a distance. There was no escaping now. In the room there were shelves holding glass bottles of all kinds. She went past one shelf and tipped it over blocking the path between her and the trailing patients. The bottles broke and all sorts of liquids and gases leaked onto the surrounding. She had no idea what they were, and had no time to read their labels. The odor coming out of them was irritating. Her eyes were starting to burn.

   She turned back to the oxygen tanks behind her and opened the nozzle. There was no escape. They were getting closer. Nothing could stop them now. She listened to the tanks as they hissed, and closed her eyes, popped a cigarette out of her pocket, and trapped it between her lips. Painful memories, sad moments, the death of her loved ones, the harassments, the bullying all flashed before her eyes. She could hardly recall any happy moment. She opened her eyes and saw the patients within reach. Maria smiled as she lit a lighter and tossed it forward watching the flames soaring and dancing into the air and onto the ground hugging the liquid and gas mixtures.

   She breathed deeply and shut her eyes one final time embracing the heat waves and explosion that followed.

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