Chapter 7

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  Rachel had barely eaten anything since her arrival. Her bones were surfacing up as the mass of her flesh was diminishing. Time was running against her. The weather seemed good outside. She could tell by the cool breeze flying in through her window, and the gentle sun brushing its rays into her lonely room. Rachel sat on the corner of her mattress supporting her little weight on the wall behind her. Her eyes weak and patched by black spots, and her greasy brown hair resting on her shoulders. Her arms still restrained and her knees bent inwards. Staring at the blank wall was the best she could do. She smiled at the memory of her daughter. The memories were what kept her going. Her brain was messed up and playing tricks. She didn't like it. Something was messing with her head and she had to figure it out.

  Maria stepped into her room with Patrick tagging along. He stood behind her and waited for her orders. Rachel didn't budge from where she was seated. She stared at Maria trying to anticipate her next move.
  "My, my, you look terrible," she said sarcastically. "It is too early for you to reach this state. You still have a long way to go before you turn nuts," she said swirling her index finger next to her right temple.
  "Why do you do this?"
  "Why do I do what?"
  "You know what I mean. There is no need for you to pretend."
  "Darling I was just stating facts. You have lost some weight and you look like shit. I bet no man would ever fancy you looking like that." She raised an eyebrow with certainty.
  "Why are you here?"
  "To take you out. Don't you want some fresh air?"

  Rachel's heart leapt from its place. She wanted to go out desperately. She wanted to see the outside of these four walls, but she didn't want to show Maria that she was desperate to escape the room. She tried to play it cool and pretended not to be interested. She looked at Maria with doubt and shifted her gaze towards the wall.
  "I have been ordered to take you out for sometime, so stop wasting my time and get up," said Maria.
  "Am I going to go like this?" She looked at her straitjacket and back at them.
  "Patrick unstrap her. Let our petite guest enjoy herself a bit before I throw her back into this filthy room."
  "How much pleasure do you get out of other's misery? Is it some kind of sickness? Do you seek help for that?"

  Maria now turned to face Rachel and spat the words out. "Are you making fun of me you little piece of shit?"
  Rachel didn't budge. Although she was scared of what might come next, she stood her ground and eyed Maria back fiercely.
  "How about you mind your own business and doesn't stick your nose where it doesn't belong. You wouldn't want it broken." She tapped Rachel's nose with her index finger.
  Rachel ignored her and walked towards the door accompanied by Patrick. She remembered her walk down the aisle as she moved down the corridor that lead into the garden at the back of the institute.

  It was a magical day for Rachel. She loved Kevin so much and didn't believe that she was getting married to him. He was the love of her life. She wanted to spend every waking hour by his side. Him being an artist didn't bother her. On the contrary, it made her happy that he was able to do what he loved the most. She loved singing, but that was just a hobby. She couldn't put it to practice and her voice needed a lot of training. Moreover, she had to favour a proper career according to her family. Her beautiful white satin dress was a masterpiece. She had it designed just for her. Her best friend Laura was a newbie in the business, but Rachel insisted on Laura making her wedding gown. She was confident that Laura could pull it off and design an astonishing wedding gown. Indeed, it was astonishing. Everybody loved her wedding gown at the ceremony. It was the talk of the party and that made Rachel super happy. She was about to walk the most important walk of her life. A walk down the aisle. Her body was a ball of emotions ready to explode at any second. She was scared, happy, confused, and ecstatic all at the same time. She wanted to run away from all this, yet she couldn't wait to walk down the aisle. Her father held her hand in his and guided her down a breath-taking isle.  A flowery theme had taken over the church. White lilies were placed in every corner in huge white vases. Every vase was about a meter long and the flowers were beautifully settled in bundles inside the vases. Two beautifully designed arcs decorated either sides of the isle. One on the entrance and the second on the plateau. Colourful petals rained down on her as she marched towards Kevin. Her beaming smile was contagious and her happiness was radiating in the hall. Everything was magical. The guests applauded and showered them with petals as they ran out of the church hand in hand escaping the crowd. The rest of the day was a fairy tale. She had everything prepared to minimal detail, and all went well. She had the time of her life.
    Smiling back at the memory, Rachel shook her head to stop the tears from running down her cheeks. She could see the light at the end of the tunnel. She could feel the tension reducing and her muscles relaxing. She was out in the garden and the first thing she did was take a long deep breath.

  "You have half an hour and you'll be rotting back in your room. Do not stray far away and stay within those premises," said Maria as she pointed towards an area showing Rachel her limitations. Rachel didn't care as long as she could march and enjoy herself for once after her disastrous arrival to the asylum.

     Rachel walked past a bed of flowers examining their colourful petals. She remembered her garden at home, and a gulp formed in her throat. She loved chasing Kelly in the garden and rolling around on the grass with her. They would sometimes plant flowers together and water them every couple of days. Kelly had her own little corner where she planted her own flowers.

     Rachel stared at Patrick whom was patrolling the area. His gaze fell on her, but she looked away not wanting to commit any felony that would be held against her.
  "Beautiful day isn't it?" Asked Patrick.
  "May I sit next to you?"
  Rachel nodded approvingly as she shifted towards the edge of the bench.
  "Forgive me we weren't properly introduced before. You already know I am Patrick."
  "Why are you here talking to me Patrick? Did Maria put you up to something?"
  "No, of course not. I just wanted to strike a conversation and get to know you that's all."
  "Do you do that will all your patients?"
  "Pardon me?" He replied confused.
  "Do you usually strike a conversation with all your patients?" She asked raising an eyebrow.
  "Just the ones that can talk."
  "And do they keep talking for long?"
  "What do you mean?"
  "How long would it take before you guys make them dumb or mute?"
  "I don't understand what you are trying to imply."
  "I am sure you understand me just fine."
  "Rachel you shouldn't be so hostile. We are just trying to help you. Hopefully soon enough you will be out of here."

  Rachel looked at him confused. He seemed to be genuine. He either was naive, or simply so good at putting an act. Rachel looked away from him and stared at the blank blue sky.
  "Tell me Patrick, how many people actually do make it out of here in good shape, or alive."
  Without looking at Rachel, Patrick blurted out. "Not much. You can count them, but why are you asking?"
  "I was just trying to calculate my chances. We both know I am not crazy, and my admittance to this place was a set up."
  "I advise you not to try anything stupid," he warned.
  "What will happen if I do?"
  "Maria would be very upset. You wouldn't like her when she is angry. That woman has a temper of an animal. When she loses it, she gets very aggressive. Trust me, I have witnessed her losing it before and the results were bad. If I were you, I would stay out of trouble." He said as he stared blankly at the sky with obvious concern.
  "Stay out of trouble and wait for my fate to be decided by strangers? Thanks for the advice, but I think I can handle myself."
  "No you can't, but suit yourself. Anyways it is time to take you back to your room. I have just been paged."  He showed her the pager vibrating in his hand. Rachel walked silently to her room.
  "Thank you for the lovely chat. We should do that more often," said Rachel as she forced a smile. At first Patrick glared at her suspiciously, but then acknowledged her proposal.
  "Take care Rachel."
  Another lonely day in her lonely room, but at least Rachel was able to get a little closer to Patrick. She hoped he could be her way out.

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