Chapter 4

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Rachel couldn't sleep well all night. She kept thinking about her family. She wanted to get back to them. She wanted to hug them and never leave their side. She was home sick. The idea of losing her mind if she stayed in this place any longer made her feel sick. She stared at the padded ceiling. They usually pad the rooms in such places to keep the patients from hurting themselves. I guess this was a relevant idea because being trapped in this room alone might make you go crazy. She stared at the surveillance camera. I wonder who is watching me. She stood up and approached it as if trying to look straight into the eye of her watcher. The electric door creaked as it opened. Maria came in with Patrick and Stella.

"Morning sunshine. Have you slept well?" Asked Maria sarcastically. Patrick and Stella stood behind her both looking straight at Rachel with sealed lips.
"Now what?"
"Now you come with us."
"To where?"
Maria stared at her with cynical eyes. "To the funfair," she laughed. Her statement wasn't as half amusing as she thought. No one enjoyed her little act but herself.
"Now move," she ordered, but Rachel refused to move.
"They are all stubborn at the beginning, but after a while, they become as obedient as pets," said Maria while looking straight into Rachel's eyes. Rachel felt a sharp pain in her stomach rising up to her heart. She remembered the girl that was dragged unwillingly out of her room yesterday. She had no energy to resist whatsoever. Is this going to happen to me as well? Should I comply or not, I think my fate is going to be similar if I don't.

Maria gestured to Patrick and Stella to take her. Rachel made her way out of the room before they could drag her out.
"Move down the right side," ordered Maria.
The rooms on her left and right were calm. No noises were coming out of them this time. I wonder where everybody was. They might be outside in the garden enjoying the only time that might make them feel free. The rooms on both sides of the corridor were all numbered in ascending order from three hundred. This must be the third floor. Most hospitals number their rooms according to floors they are located on. She walked slowly pretending to be extra tired to lengthen the journey to wherever she was taken. She then felt a painful pressure on her back. The pain was as sharp as a needle on the softest and most painful part of her skin.
"Move it!" said Maria after pushing her with the baton. Rachel kept on moving at the same pace studying her surrounding. They made a turn towards a left route at the end of the corridor. Rachel slowed down trying to catch her breathe.

"I said move it!" said Maria as she used her strong hand to hit Rachel's right shoulder. Rachel flew forward and dropped down on her knees. The shove wasn't very strong, but she didn't have much strength to withstand the force. Without looking back, she stood up and continued the journey. The last room on the right had a name plate on it that read "Doctor Jack Steven".

Nobody was in the room. It was spacious with a large floor to ceiling window on the right side. A long brown shelf full of books was located on the left side. A seemingly stylish and expensive rug centred the room with two dark leathered sofas on each side. A brown bureau rested in the centre of the room with a pen holder, two frames, file holder, some books, and a laptop. A chair was on one side, presumably where the doctor sits, and two chairs on the opposite side for patients or visitors. Behind the doctor's chair was a wall-length cupboard and shelves compiled with books. A small diagnostic room could be seen on the left side of the room. A man in his mid-sixties appeared from the diagnostic room. He was a tall man. His grey neat hair gave a hint of his age. He had big brown eyes that could be seen through his transparent glasses which rested on the edge of his long nose. His forehead was somewhat wrinkled along with the bottom of his chin.

"Good morning Rachel. I am doctor Jack Steven. The doctor who is assigned to your case and will be helping you throughout your stay here," he said with a smile on his face. He nodded his head in Rachel's direction. Patrick came closer to her and unstrapped the straitjacket.

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