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Let me tell you the truth; they all lie. You lie and yes, I do lie. Everybody lies. Lies have been such a big part of our lives that we don't recognize what's true anymore. Why? You are probably wondering about the reasons? We're born natural liars, we simply can't live without lying.

I know what you might be thinking right now. You might be thinking that I'm a hopeless, cynical, pessimistic woman who probably has a bad experience with people. You're right, I am just like you, I've been lied to often in my life. I've been deceived and cheated on. Please, who wasn't?!

I started this book with the following state of mind. Thinking that lying is something unforgivable and honesty is the best policy. I was going to condemn the liars and talk some bullshit, like an honest and genuine conversation. However, the truth hit me up when I finished my story. Life is not black or white. Lying is neither totally good nor totally bad. It doesn't have to be classified. It's part of our human nature like greed, fear, desire, hunger, ambition... It can be used for bad reasons or for good ones.

Lying is in most cases a defense mechanism, except for pathological liars of course. We lie because we don't trust others. Deep inside we believe that it is almost impossible for anyone to handle our dark gloomy secrets. Distrust precedes the lie, not after. It's almost like the dilemma of the chicken and the egg. Eventually, behind every lie, there is a reason.

Our relationships suffer from our hidden thoughts and feelings, but we would probably suffer more if we reveal them. But the problem remains, it's impossible to share everything and reveal every little dark secret. Honesty is not always the best policy.

Maybe I'm just saying nonsense, but that's my understanding of the matter.

Don't be harsh on me. This is my first published novel ever. 

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