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A loud alarm was heard outside again. It hasn't been long since it rang. And again it was the time.
I put my hood on and walked outside...the air was dry and polluted and the sun was burning through the dust cloud. I had to cover my mouth with my hood because the air was so bad. People around me were looking just like I did miserable, dirty, and almost starved to death. I walked to the square that our town had, waiting sadly for what would happen next.

My name is Jeminah and I'm 19 years old. My parents died when I was a little kid. I never got to know the reason why they past away and I really can't remember them at all. It wasn't long after a young boy found me from the streets. He took care of me and became a brother to me... a few years later on one day, we were walking down a street when we heard someone fighting. We walked closer to the sound and saw young boys bullying another boy.
My now called brother stepped out and helped the boy who was beaten up. We brought him to our home and took care of him...after a while, he became a part of our little family.

It's the year 3000, lots of things have happened. The first thing was global warming because of it there were many earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and typhoons after years going on they calmed down, next on the list were diseases, also new ones that didn't have a cure for them. Then there was a nuclear accident or should I say 7 accidents that killed almost all of nature we had.

Because of the chaos that was all around the world people not knowing what to do, there were rulers trying to solve the problems but in reality, they were bad ones, only looking for glory and money, as a result, came wars, conflicts, fightings. so what then? then was the famine, no food to eat and not so much water to drink. So how many do you think died in all of this...? Not even half of the human race survived, many countries died and people who were still alive moved away to the lands that still somehow managed. So what happened next?

Authorities took a huge step forward and announced that now on, they would take care of people around the world so we all would survive. They made new cities, towns, villages we're they would control the human race.

That is how we live now in poverty, only guided by ruthless soldiers. It's not a life that everyone dreamed of but we have no choice also people are so tired to even think about revolution or if someone does they would get killed immediately. So why bother.


We will surviveHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin