I Will Wait~(Rohit Sharma)

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Note:- Flashback and Narration will be in Italics...


Upasna came out of washroom, and changed into her white Kurti. She then applied kohl and took her bracelet which was given to her by Rohit and blushes remembering when both of them met...

Upasna Shekhawat. A name which every RDpian knew. Upasna was a 12th class student and was topper in whole school, as well as district in 10th board. Today some special guests were about to come.

"Upasna! Can you bring Maths Notebooks from Staff Room please?" Mrs Neetu asked.

"Sure mam!" Upasna said and went to the staff room. When she was returning with a pile of copies which was no more than a tower, she dashed into someone in a turning and all the copies fell on the floor..

"Oh sorry sorry!I didn't saw you!" ,a deep voice exclaimed.

"It's okay sir.. it's not your fault." ,Upasna said as she started picking up the copies.

"Wait.. let me help you." The guy said and started picking up copies.

"Done!" The guy and Upasna exclaimed at same time and then looked at each other and broke into laughter.

"By the way I am Rohit Sharma.. nice to meet you." The guy, Rohit, said.

"İ am Upasna, Upasna Shekhawat." Upasna said.

An awkward silence occurred in between as both of them didn't knew what to say..

"Umm... I think I should go." Upasna said tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Yeah..." Ro spoke scratching back of his neck. And then both went in their ways.

After that, these two met again when Upasna came to know that he is his brother's best friend. As the time went, both fell in love with each other eventually..

Flashback ends..

Today Upasna was going to the stadium to watch his match whose VIP tickets have been sent by Rohit himself. She told her parents that she is going to some friend of her and drove to the stadium. She covered her face with scarf and then entered in the VIP area. As the guards stopped her, she shown them tickets and they let her in. Everyone there in ICT knew about her. So as soon as she entered, everyone smiled widely and gave teasing glances to Rohit who blushed.

"I was waiting for you!" Rohit said going to Upasna.

"Bhaiya was asking where I am going..So I got a bit late." Upasna said.

"Now Rohit, go. You are the opener." Mahi said and Rohit nodded.

During the whole match, Upasna was overwhelmed to see the love of her life playing rather Slaying..but an unknown fear was engulfing her. She ignored these feelings and concentrated on game. But she didn't knew, that Vinay, her brother, saw her in VIP box during live match. After the match, Rohit dropped Upasna home.

"Where were you?" ,Vinay asked her as soon as she got home. She didn't had parents..her brother was her world.

"N-Naina's home." Upasna lied.

"Lies!" Vinay yelled.

"WHO THE HELL GAVE YOU TICKETS OF MATCHES!!! THAT TOO VIP TICKETS!!!!", Vinay yelled making Upasna shudder in fear. She told him truth after looking at his brother's angry avatar.