The Lover(s) Escape~(Shubman Gill)

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The sky was like a dome of plasma-grey,the early morning Varanasi was wet due to heavy rain,wet like the eyes of a beloved,wet like the pillow of a sad lover.. It was the period of Post Colonial India when girls were allowed to get a bit of education than before..But the freedom of selecting their life partner was still a taboo for majority of the households..

Around 4a.m,Maan sneaks out of his house and hurries towards his beloved's home.. Avantika is getting married today evening and he knows that this is the only chance for them to elope..

Avantika was ready with her necessary belongings and jewellery..She tiptoes out of her room without making any sound so that no one wakes up..

She slowly walks up to their balcony under which Maan was standing while holding a ladder for her..

She climbs down through it and Maan holds the her belongings..

He leads her through the short cut way to the ghats of the Ganges and they walks fast towards it as the sky starts clearing up because of dawn..

The duo doesn't even speaks out of nervousness as someone might listen everything..

On reaching the ghats,Maan holds Avantika's hand and says,"be careful! the steps have become slippery!"

She smiles and replies,"you are there to take care of me!"He nods and says nothing in return..

"Where is the boat?"she asks and he looks around.."Over there!"he says while pointing towards a boat.."Let's go then! Hurry up!"Avantika says and goes to run but slips..Maan holds her,preventing her from a hard fall.."You are my saviour!"she says and he smiles slightly..

He leads her to the boat carefully and then gives her hand into the hand of a young man and says,"here is your beloved!"

"Thank you so much Maan! Without you I wouldn't have been able to take her away like this..You were the one who played the medium of our conversation..Thank you so much..You are a true friend!"he said..

"Take care of Avantika..She has been one of my bestfriend since childhood..Never let tears embrace her eyes.."

"I promise you I won't!"

"Thank you! Now go quickly or else someone might see us..You will reach the station early and safely through boat..Go!"

He nods and gets into the boat after patting Maan's shoulder while Maan turns towards Avantika who looked at him with teary eyes.. "Thank you is a little word for whatever you have done for me,"she says..

"Then don't say..Now come on,get into the boat!"

He holds her hand and supports her in climbing into the boat.."Take care!"she says and he replies,"you take care rather..I will be fine!"Avantika waves a teary goodbye to her bestfriend,rather her only male friend..

The boat sailed away while Maan looked on with teary eyes as the first love of his life remained unrequited forever! A sigh of sorrow escapes his heart while he turns to go back to his home..After few hours everyone will get to know that his bride has eloped with someone else..Both the houses will search for Avantika here and there but nobody will know that who has really helped her..After all,true love is always selfless,isn't it?

A short one shot just for testing purpose.. The book wasn't showing up in the accounts of others so this is a test One Shot..Nothing serious..
