✿ Prologue ✿

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(If you haven't already, READ THE WARNINGS. People always get the wrong idea in the first two chapters when they don't.)

"Hey, buddy..." Harry yells, winding the window of his car down. "Hop in!"

The ten year old squeals in excitement. He says goodbye to his friends, leaving them at the school gate and runs around to the passenger side, jumping into the old, blue car. "Hazzy! I didn't know you were picking me up!"

Louis throws his paw patrol bag into the back seat and climbs over to the driver's seat, hugging Harry tightly.

"I haven't seen you in forever!" Louis pouts, crossing his arms.

Harry chuckles, grabbing onto the boys waist so he is more stable. "I came over to yours for dinner last night..."

"You just spent time with Lottie, not poor little Louis." Louis sighs dramatically, huffing and climbing off of Harry and back to the passenger seat.

Harry scrunches his nose, fonding over the boy. "Oh come on, that's not true, blue!" Harry gasps, acting as if he is offended. "I let you sit on my lap when we ate, I gave you cuddles when we all watched the movie and I read you a bed time story and tucked you into bed! We spent plenty of time together..."

Louis' lips quirk up at the sides, a smile threatening to spread on his face. "Okayy," he giggles. "Maybe you did spend a lot of time with me."

Harry shakes his head, laughing at the boy. "Put your seatbelt on, bub." When he has made sure Louis has, he pulls out of the school car park and drives out onto the road.

The radio plays softly and Louis hums to it, dancing a little to it. Harry glances at him, smiling uncontrollably.

"Do you love Lottie more than me?" Louis pushes his fringe out of his eyes, looking over at Harry.

"Uh..." Harry bites his lips. "I love you guys in different ways." Harry nods. "Lottie is my girlfriend, so I love her in a relationship way. And you, well you are my blue, my best pal. So I love you in like a brotherly way."

"I see..." Louis clasps his hands together on his lap, looking down at them. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course. What is it, Lou?"

"Well... You know how I don't have a dad?" Louis purses his lips.

"Yeah..." Harry frowns, glancing at Louis in concern.

On His Knees ♡ Larry ✔Where stories live. Discover now