23. His lips Her words

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~the next day~

•Lucy's P.O.V•

I'm so close to cracking, I'm like literally about to break. The next day I try to look casual, so it seems I'm fine, but really I'm just about to jump off a bridge.

I walk slow admiring the landscape before heading into a rotting hell, and soon enough I get there. I seriously don't want to see, or deal with any of them. I don't want to fall any deeper into this eclipse, or fall in love at that fact. Thankfully I don't give eye contact to anyone, and just keep moving forward. Ends up I don't know where any of my classes are since I didn't really go to them yesterday, so I go to the front desk for help. Unluckily Natsu's there, and it's only him there. Our eyes meet, but I look away sadly.

"Lucy... Can we talk-" I look at him angrily.

"We've talked enough." I blurt out strictly which shocks him.

"But I didn't finish-" I glare at him, but my anger softens. I might as well listen. If he messes up again, I'll never forgive him. That's that.

"Lucy, I like you." He grabs my hand squeezing it.

"A lot. I like you a lot, but..." Is eyes sparkle with tears, and so do mine.

"I know you like someone else." He's smiling, but his eyes are saying he's upset. But how'd he know this. My own feelings unless we were really compatible.

"How'd you know that?" I whispered looking down so I couldn't see his eyes.

"Do you like, Gray?" I look up startled at his question.

"Please tell me..." He sneers. I left go of his hand quickly, but he pulls me close.

"Please tell me you don't like Gray..." He says slow, and shaken.

It's so fast it's like I've been in fast motion. He's gone out of my sight. He laid that warm kiss on my lips, and ran off leaving me to tears.

"What do I do... N-now?" I stutter under my sorrowed breath.

"Lyon, and now Natsu... What about Gray will this be a war? Will my decision cause pain?" I whisper still shaken up, and still alone in the front office.

As I walk down the hall I see all there faces, every last one. Mira, Elfman, Gajeel, Cana, Wendy, Jet, Droy, Lyon, Levy, Erza, Loke, Natsu, and Gray. I couldn't tell if they were hallucinations or not. But I saw them, and it made me freak out. I felt insane to see all there faces beaming at mine, it scared me to know I was going to break them apart because of one decision. Then I remembered, Natsu's lips against mine, but what about Lyon, I barley know him, but Gray was always there supporting me, while Natsu destroyed me.

"Hey Lucy?" I turn around quickly to see Levy, hoping I was imagining things.

"Do you wanna talk." I wipe my eyes knowing my eyes were wet.

"I mean- Sure..." I answered her as she pulled me aside.

"You know I've noticed-" I covered my eyes with my palms, and began sobbing before she could finish her sentence.

"Hey hey, Lucy, what's wrong!" She held my shoulders shaking me ruffly, but I didn't say a word.

"Come on talk to me, Lucy!" I looked up from my palms.

"Don't you already know..." I cracked.

"I hate this..." I squeaked sadly. She softened her hold against me, and dropped her hands from my shoulders.

"It's hard to understand what your going through from your perspective, but I do know some of your pain." I tilted my head curiously.

"I thought you died that day at the crash, when you wouldn't wake up, it was terrifying. The day you went missing, I felt abandoned. When you where on that stage I felt hope, but when you tried to kill yourself I felt abandoned again..." She started to get sniffly.

"Then all this happened with Natsu, and Gray, You... It just agony!" She cracked I saw tears fill her eyes, but she held them back.

"T-tell m-me how it was... Like..." She looked me straight in the eyes. "Before I forgot... My past..."

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