Chapter 7: True Power

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After All Might appeared, every stared at him. All Might saw what was happening with the villains. There were some villains that were fighting, but he defeated them easily and grabbed Aizawa. All Might looked at his fellow hero, "Aizawa, forgive me. If only I had gotten here sooner." All Might rushed to Midoriya and the other students and saved them. As he was passing by, he attacked the leader of the villains and loosened the hand on his face. All Might took them all a few feet away from the villain. All Might set them down. He turned to the students, "Kids, can you please take Aizawa to the front at the entrance? I need to take care of things here. Be quick, he needs immediate medical attention. Make sure that you all avoid fighting as well. I don't want any of you to get hurt anymore." Midoriya said, "But All Might, when I attacked that Nomu thing with One- um, my quirk, it totally had no affect. I'm not so sure that you can defeat him right now. You've already used so much power." All Might said, "Young Midoriya. (All Might turned to Midoriya with a large smile.) I've got this. Don't worry about it." Midoriya nodded and helped the others with Aizawa and picked him up. All Might rushed in to begin fighting the Nomu.

Brendan, Midoriya, Tsuyu, and Mineta were carrying Aizawa to the entrance of the USJ. Midoriya asked Brendan, "Hey, Chaldea. Can I ask you something? How did you escape the warping? It seems that most of the others got warped, but you seemed to be close to the entrance." Brendan said, "It was thanks to my quirk. I managed to escape and stayed close to see if anyone needed any help." As he finished saying that, there was an explosion from behind. The four students turned to see All Might being grabbed by the Nomu via a warp gate. Midoriya let go of Aizawa and ran to fight. Mineta said, "Wait! Midoriya! We were told to avoid fighting!" Brendan sighed, "Let him go." They continued to walk towards the entrance and when they were near, Brendan checked back with All Might. Now Kirishima, Bakugo, Midoriya, and Todoroki were all with All Might. It seemed that Todoroki had help freed All Might and that Bakugo had managed to capture one of the villains. The Nomu had lost its arm from Todoroki's attack, but it quickly regenerated it. The moment it did, the leader ordered it to free the villain that Bakugo had captured. Brendan watched as All Might pushed Bakugo out of the way and took the Nomu's attack full force. When the dust cleared, everyone saw that All Might had received some damage from the punch. All Might grimaced, "Hey, is that all you've got?" The leader laughed, "You think that you can defeat Nomu? He has shock absorption and super regeneration. He was made specifically to defeat you at one hundred percent." All Might said, "Oh really?!" He then began to punch the Nomu, "If that's the case, then I'll just have to go beyond one hundred percent of my power." He continued to punch the Nomu. After a few moments, it seemed that the Nomu was being pushed back. Then, All Might yelled out and punched the Nomu so hard that it was blasted straight out of the USJ. The students watched in awe at the sight of the Nomu being punched out of the dome. Brendan stared, "Huh. I should have expected as much. But he should have been able to defeat it much sooner. Don't tell me that he's getting weaker." As Brendan was thinking to himself, the last two villains attacked All Might, but they became distracted by Midoriya's attack. As the leader was about to attack Midoriya via a warp gate, the heroes arrived and began to attack the villains. The leader was shot down by Snipe. The portal man tried to warp him away, but was having difficulty due to Thirteen's black hole. However, they managed to escape. Brendan sighed as the students were taking out of the USJ. They were taken back to the school and told that they were released after they were examined. Brendan looked back at the school as he walked to the train station, wondering what else would happen at the school.

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