Chapter 13: A Battle of Fire and Ice

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Brendan was grabbing some food from a vending machine and then went back to the stands to watch the rest of the matches. As he was taking his seat, he saw Midoriya and Todoroki fighting. Kirishima sat next to him, "Hey Chaldea. You missed a lot of the match. It's been pretty intense. Midoriya's been breaking his fingers to keep using his quirk at full power. Todoroki's ice has been broken, but he managed to stay in the stadium despite the force. Midoriya keeps talking to Todoroki, but I can't hear what he's saying. Man, he's super manly to be able to do something like that." Brendan turned to Kirishima, "You must really like Midoriya, huh? You keep talking about him." Kirishima stared at Brendan for a moment before blushing an even brighter red than his hair. Kirishima said, "It's not like that. I just think he's super manly is all." Just as he said that, there was an explosion from the arena. The two of the turned and saw that Todoroki had used his fire power to cause a large explosion. After the smoke cleared, it revealed that Midoriya had been knocked out of the ring while Todoroki was still standing, but with part of his shirt burned off.

Brendan was preparing for his next battle against Iida. After a few minutes of waiting, he went to the stadium. Present Mic was in the announcer's booth and announced the two of them. Iida bowed to him, "I hope to have an honorable match with you Chaldea." Brendan stared at him, "Really?" Iida said, "Yes. You are among the strongest in our class. I want to defeat you to prove that I am worthy of being Ingenium's younger brother." Brendan let out a sigh, "What a nuisance. Let's just get this over with." Midnight announced the beginning of the match. Brendan immediately transformed into Heroine X again and grabbed Iida. Once he did, he used the Assassin class's power to quickly move and threw Iida out of the ring. Midnight said, "Iida is out of bounds. Chaldea is the winner." Iida groaned, "Curses. Defeated so easily." Brendan walked back to the stands. He went to get something else to eat, "Man, what a pain. I know that I shouldn't really be trash talking the Sports Festival since it means so much to everyone else, but it seems so pointless." Once Brendan had managed to eat a snack, he went back to the waiting rooms. He heard the announcement that Bakugo defeated his opponent and would be moving on to the second round. Brendan let out one more sigh as he walked out of the waiting room to the stadium. From the other side, Todoroki walked up, seeming a bit conflicted for some reason. Midnight announced the beginning of the battle. Immediately, Todoroki unleashed an attack of ice. However, Brendan transformed in Jeanne D 'Arc Alter and used her fire power to melt away the ice. 

Todoroki kept launching ice attacks against Brendan, but he kept using the flames he gained from the transformation to melt them away

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Todoroki kept launching ice attacks against Brendan, but he kept using the flames he gained from the transformation to melt them away. Brendan said, "This is so tedious. I shall end this." Brendan approached Todoroki and began to launch his Noble Phantasm. However, for whatever reason, Todoroki felt the need to use his flames again. Brendan gasped in shock at Todoroki's choice of attack. Todoroki had only ever used his flames once, in the battle against Midoriya. Brendan's quirk had a weakness that undid the transformation if he was ever hit with the cause of death of the hero or anti-hero that he was transformed into. Unfortunately, both versions of Jeanne D' Arc were tied to the same story and had been killed at the cross while burned alive. This meant that Todoroki's flames were the worse possible match up for Brendan. Before he had the chance to change forms, Todoroki's flames hit him with the full force. His transformation was undone and Brendan was unable to due to the sudden change in forms. This allowed the flames to blow him out of the ring. Brendan was losing consciousness quickly, barely registering Midnight announcing Todoroki the winner. He woke up later in the nurse's office. Brendan looked around and saw Nezu sitting in the chair next to his bed. He sat up, "Principal Nezu? What happened?" Nezu said, "You were knocked unconscious when your quirk came undone. The Sports Festival is already over. Bakugo won first place, as he promised." Brendan replied, "Oh, I see." Nezu said, "You don't seem upset with the results." Brendan got off the bed, "Well, I didn't really care about winning in the first place." Nezu said, "Well, that's fine too, but you shouldn't look down on those who lost when they wanted to win. Well, off you go. You have a few days off, so get some rest." Brendan gave the strange principal a small nod before walking off.

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