29 - seeing red

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Maddox POV

    I slammed the car door shut, the sound echoing in my ears as I walked purposefully up to the warehouse. My chest felt tight as I exhaled, cringing. I already missed Renee; being without her was like being unable to breathe. Leaving her, even when I knew I'd see her again tomorrow, hurt. I huffed to myself, pulling the door open. I had shit to get done, and it needed to be done now.

Those fuckers were still alive. And they were right where I needed them, defenseless.

The men who dared to hurt my girl, were right beneath the ground I walked on. My breathing became shallow as thoughts of revenge and anger filled my mind. Those men deserved hell, and fucking hell is what they would get from me. There was no doubt about that.

    In the cold gray main room of the warehouse, Jay sat with Michael one one side of a wooden table, both men animatedly conversing. Damien and Sal were situated on the other side of the table, filling out paperwork for new weapon orders. They all quickly looked up when they heard the sound of my feet heavily stomping on the cement floor. I was practically fuming, wanting nothing more than to get to and kill the men rotting just downstairs, in the basement of the warehouse.

    They stared at me confusedly for a few seconds. I gritted my teeth harshly, my fisted hands by my sides. I raised my one hand and pulled it towards me, making a motion indicating for them to follow me. Once I saw the realization plastered on their faces, I turned on my heel and stormed down to the basement. The basement door was padded with metal and chains, with a code pad beside it.

I typed the password that had been deeply engraved into my brain into the pad, hearing a buzzer sound above me and ripping the door open. The same thoughts constantly flowed through my head:

Renee; the woman I love was hurt by these men.

They deserved to die.

They would feel pain even worse than that of which she felt at their hands. If even 1000 times worse.

I could only see red as images of Renee filled my head. Her delicate wrists bruised and raw from the handcuffs they kept her in. Her beautiful face, the soft skin marred with a hand-shaped bruise that was deep shades of purple and blue. The way she winced when I barely touched her face. 

The way she cringed in pain and pulled away from me in her deep sleep when I simply ran my fingers through her hair at her scalp.

I no longer had control over my own actions.

    I ran down the stairs, the sound of my footsteps echoing in the damp, almost empty basement. The basement was almost a dungeon, with weapons lining one wall, and chains and shackles on the other. Both men had been gagged and handcuffed, shackled to the wall on stiff metal chairs that looked like they would give out beneath them at any moment. I was the most livid I had ever been.

I looked at the men's faces, to see fear written all over them. Good, I thought. I watched them shake in pure terror as I grabbed one of my largest and most powerful guns from the wall behind me. I placed it in the waistband of my jeans before stalking over to them. I couldn't speak, no words would come to me just yet.

The only thing I could do at that moment, was simple to me. I threw a punch at one man's face, hitting him square in the nose. His nose began to bleed as I punched him over and over again, still unsatisfied.

"You fucker." I growled out between punches.

"You," Punch.

"Hurt," Punch. Blood began to stain my hands, the sight even further motivating me.

"My," Punch.

"Girl!" I grabbed him by the throat, applying more pressure by the millisecond. He gasped for air, the gag in his mouth further restricting him from taking a breath.

    I knew he was the main man in this. His little fucking sidekick next to him watched me, struggling against his restraints. I felt my hand squeeze around his bulging neck, satisfaction finally flowing through my veins. Once he showed signs of faint, I backed away to see his nose and eyes already bruising. He was going to be awake when I killed him. I would be the last thing he would see when he faced his death. He coughed and spit, trying to regain control of his breathing.

I then turned to the other man, who was a bit more scrawny than him. I punched him the same way I did to the first man, taking out all my anger. They didn't deserve to live. Their deaths would be slow and painful. A few seconds later, both men had given up on trying to pull away or fight back; they had no means of doing so.

I pulled my gun out of the waistband of my jeans, holding it to the first man's temple. I tore the gag out of his mouth as his eyes glazed over horrifiedly.

"Any last words?"

The man didn't even hesitate before responding.

"That little bitch deserved what she got."

I was fuming. That was it. Within an instant, I pulled the trigger. The bullet went straight into his head, definitely hitting the brain. He immediately went limp, his eyes lifeless. I basked in the feeling of revenge on one of the men who hurt Renee.

I turned to the other man and quickly aimed the gun right between his eyes. Before letting him make any other movements, I shot him. He screamed, thrashing in the chair before his body gave out.

Staring at the lifeless bodies of the two men, something clicked. Everything felt complete. They would never hurt her again. I remembered promising Renee that I wouldn't kill them the first time something happened, and I regret it more than anyone will ever know.

The men deserved a fate worse than death. I don't fucking care if I truly am a monster for enjoying what I did to them. 

All that matters is her.

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