25 - pain

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Maddox POV


The only word I could possibly use to describe how I felt at that moment. Seeing the love of my life in pain. Tears rolled down her soft porcelain cheeks as she sobbed, curling up into a ball. Shiny metal handcuffs cling to her delicate wrists, showing no space between her wrist and the restraint. Just that set me off. I needed her, safe and in my arms.

I was going to kill the fuckers who put her through this.

I regret not doing so in the first place.

        Renee looked up to see me quickly walking towards her. She squeezed her eyes shut and hesitantly opened them again, before making eye contact with me. Her once bright emerald green eyes were now dull, brimming with tears. Renee looked at me in a daze as I approached her, a tear rolling down her cheek. My chest tightened harshly; another stab to my heart.

I reached her and immediately removed the restraints. These assholes hung the key by the entrance and I grabbed it before coming down to find her.

"Renee! I'm so sorry baby. Oh my god,"

        I gently unlocked the handcuffs from around her small wrists, stopping for a second to look at them. A ring of dark purple bruises covered her wrists. I was so angry at these men for hurting her, but the pain of seeing Renee like this overpowered any anger. Before I could examine her anymore, I carefully pulled Renee into my arms, cradling her shaking body. I simply took the time to savor the feeling of having her back in my embrace again.

   She swiftly wrapped her arms around my neck, and I felt at peace again. Sobs began to rack her petite form as she cried into my chest. Each cry of agony that left her lips made my heart break a little more. I felt my eyes begin to fill up with tears as I soothingly rubbed Renee's back. A warm tear slid down my cheek and I sniffled. I would do anything to see her smile and laugh. I just couldn't handle this.

Renee deserves complete and total happiness and love. As long as she's with me, she'll never have to feel this way again. I hate myself for letting her get hurt, I always will. But I'll protect her with my life. I'd take a shot for her, endure the worst pain humanly possible if it meant she was safe. I've always known that Renee was the one for me, but this experience opened my eyes completely.

I was irrevocably in love with her, and I wouldn't change it for anything.

We stood like this for some time, until I felt
Renee begin to calm down somewhat. Her cries ceased, and her body relaxed a bit. I held her closely to my chest, placing my head in the crook of her neck and kissing her there gently. Her breathing evened out, and her figure slumped into my embrace. I pulled away just enough to see her face, her soft eyes drooping out of exhaustion. She needed rest.

"You're okay, love. You're safe now."

Renee drifted asleep and I cautiously lifted her up, carrying her bridal style. I had to get out of here. Damien, Michael, Sal, and Jay all came with me. They were to bring both men to the van where they'd be brought to our warehouse no matter the measures they had to take to do so, where they'd be left to deal with me.

They deserved a fate worse than death.

And it would be at my hands.

         I held Renee close to me as I jogged through the underground maze, before finally reaching the exit. I recoiled, almost blinded by the bright sunlight after my eyes had adjusted to the darkness. Once I was able to see clearly, I began to walk to my car. I looked down at my angel sleeping in my arms, beautiful as always.

        I continued to take in her appearance, scanning her body for any injuries. Her upper arm was bruised, seemingly from one of the men grabbing her much too roughly there. I practically shook in anger, my eyes then roaming over her face and stopping on her right cheek. Usually the skin here would be a bit pink, a shade I loved that would decorate her skin whenever she blushed. It shook me to the very core to see a reddish-purple handprint covering the majority of her cheek, the pale skin irritated and marked.

       The sight physically hurt me. I very carefully brought my large hand up to her small face, using my thumb to gently caress the hand mark. Her skin was smooth to the touch, but still warm from the hit it took. I clenched my jaw in anger. Not at her; never at my angel. At these awful men who did this do her. I couldn't wait to be alone with them.

       I continued to very lightly run my thumb over her cheek, wishing I could take all her pain away in a split second. She flinched a bit in her sleep, and I heard her quietly whimper. I automatically pulled my hand away from her face and looked at her sorrowfully. Seeing her in pain would forever be too much for me to handle.

      We reached my car, and I placed her in the passenger's seat before getting in myself. Turning to look at her, I gently ran my fingers through her silky brown hair, starting at the scalp. Renee's face contorted in pain as she recoiled even in her sleep. Even her scalp hurt. These fuckers pulled her hair. I winced at the sight before carefully removing my fingers that had been intwined her hair, tears filling my eyes again. They hurt her so badly that even the softest of touches made her writhe in pain.

I kissed her on the forehead before starting to drive home, calling the nurse, Sara, who normally helped me and my men when we were injured. She could treat anything from a simple cold, to gunshot wounds and so much more. She's seen it all. I'd only be at ease once Sara fully examined Renee, assessing any injuries and how we could help her. I could only see a few injuries now, and I hoped that was the full extent of them.

      Once I arrived at home, I again picked up Renee, holding her petite figure close to me. She stayed fast asleep, and I did everything I could not to wake her as I carried her up the stairs to my room. After what she's been through, she needs rest to recover, and lots of it. Slowly but surely, making sure I didn't do anything to startle Renee, I made it to my room and placed her on the bed, covering her with a warm blanket.

      While waiting for Sara, I decided to lay in bed with Renee. I simply planned on staying awake and watching over her as she slept. However, I soon found myself falling asleep as well, holding her dainty hand in mine. I felt at home, truly happy.

It felt as though no time passed before I was awoken by the sound of a scream.

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