28 - care

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Renee POV

        The following morning, I slipped out of Maddox's embrace in bed and called in to take a few days off from the diner. I knew I'd be able to continue working there soon, but the thought of doing so right now makes me extremely anxious. One of my coworkers would cover the closing shifts, as I no longer trusted being alone there that late at night.

After making the phone call, I stood outside of Maddox's bedroom before hearing a sleepy groan from him. I silently laughed and walked back into the room, to see Maddox groggily sitting up in bed.

"Reneeeee," He drawled out my name, putting his arms out like a child who wanted to be picked up.

I went over to the bed, sitting in his lap as he wrapped his arms around me, still half-asleep.

"What's up, babe? Hm?"

I turned to Maddox and ran my finger tips over his cheek, smiling.

"Where did you go, I missed you."

"I was gone for five minutes!"

Maddox sighed and rubbed his eyes.

"Doesn't matter." He replied, kissing the top of my head carefully.

"I took a few days off from the diner."

"Good, you need it." He gently took my small hands in his, examining my wrists.

"How does my baby feel?" He said in a playful tone, turning my hands over and running circles on my palm with his finger tip, leaving a tingly sensation in its wake.

"Not bad, pretty well actually."

Maddox smiled at my statement, showing off his white teeth. Then, he quickly picked me up, and wrapped my legs around his waist.

"Maddox, put me down!"

"Not happening."

He carried me all the way downstairs to the kitchen, where I saw Marie making waffles and fruit salad.

"Good morning!" She exclaimed, looking at us as Maddox was still holding me.

I wiggled in his embrace, and he finally placed me down on the floor.

"How are you, Marie? I feel like I haven't seen you in so long."

I hugged her tightly before sitting down next to Maddox at the table.

"I'm good, dear. I hope you're doing better, yes?"

"I am, thank you."

      And that was the truth. Everything that happened, is over now. I wasn't going to live in the past anymore. My injuries were healing, and I was safe and happy with the greatest people I've come to know. There was nothing more I could ask for.

     We sat with Marie and ate breakfast together, making jokes and general conversation. I would talk to her for hours at a time if I could. She offered the greatest advice, and told interesting stories. Maddox really was lucky to have her in his life. The older woman held a comforting aura, making anyone around her happy in seconds.

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