So many changes were coming this way for those girls of hers. She wanted to keep something normal. And giving them as much of her free time was at the top of her list.

"Momma" Charley beamed running towards her mothers legs and giving them a warm squeeze. "Alec coming?"

Reaching down Teddy stroked the blonde curls softly. She smiled slightly and took a kneel.

"He comes?" Joey asked coming up behind her sister with a large smile.

"Alec can't come today" the mother answered softly "and he's really sorry." She took each of her daughter's hands. "But I'm going to take you out for dinner instead okay little ones?" just because Alexander couldn't make it doesn't mean her girls should miss out on having a night out. Of course going to the local diner might not be that fancy – but it was something at least.

"Ice cream?" Charley asked showing her toothy grin.

Teddy couldn't help but chuckle. She gave the little one a tap on the nose. "Ice cream for dessert. Dinner first."

"Okay momma" Charley nodded in agreement. How did Teddy get so lucky to have daughters that so understood? Another child might have thrown a fit about Alec cancelling or not getting ice cream for dinner. But not her girls. They were always so calm.

"Let me close up." She grabbed the boxes she was going through and set them under the counter, she could finish the rest of her work later. Dimming the lights she headed to the door and grabbed their jackets, which hopefully in a few weeks they wont need to bother with these anymore. Sitting on the floor she helped Joey into the clothing first, slipping on the jacket and pulling on the girls shoes. Moving on to Charley she made quick work of getting them dressed. "Okay ready" she smiled tugging her own jacket. Locking up the store she took a hand of each of her daughters and started walking down the street.

The sun was out low in the sky today. The season was finally starting to look up and get a little warmer. The grass was clearly green and the buds of flowers were starting to pop. That reminded her that she would need to get started on her gardening. But aside from that she would be able to take Charley and Joey out more often – even just to play in the backyard.

The town was also busy preparing for the upcoming holiday. Easter was just around the corner and the bunny was sure to arrive soon. Everyone was setting out chocolates for sale and little trinkets of toys. Charley was giggling and excitedly pointing at the stuffed animal of a cute little toy. Teddy put the thought to the back of her mind considering it as a gift for the Easter baskets.

Coming to the diner she got the girls settled into the seat nearest the window so they can watch outside. Teddy taking the seat between them both grabbed the colouring pages and crayons from the centre of the table. She gave the girls each a page and kept one for herself. She might as well enjoy the night.

Sticking her tongue out slightly she was concentrating on the picture. Not that it was hard or anything. But she wanted to stay perfectly inside the lines – she was a little bit of a perfectionist. She was so focused on the page that she hadn't noticed the glances she was getting and the whispering taking place behind her back.

But her daughters noticed it. "Momma" Joey said tugging her mother on the sleeve. "Why they pointing?"

Teddy frowned slightly and glanced over her shoulder. At the moment people were pointing but it was clear to see that they had been watching her. Swiftly looking away they had made the gaze obvious. What were people doing staring at her? She wasn't that obviously along in her pregnancy yet.

"I don't know sweetie," Teddy answered with a forced smile. She had her guesses though. This was probably something to do with Alec – or the lack of him. She still hadn't introduced him around the town. But people had noticed him. And when one person notices something different in town, it quickly spreads to everyone else.

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