7 / Trouble

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The stranger nodded, a small smile gracing his face. "Sounds like a deal." Rose was glad she didn't tell him that the real reasons she was helping was so that if they got caught, the punishment might be spread between them. She knew that would only kill the happiness that radiated from him. But there was something about him that made Rose feel as though she needed to do that. To protect him, in some way.

"So," the stranger began, before pausing and glancing her way, his eyebrows raised.


His smile grew. "Rose. What would you like to eat?"

Rose found herself letting out a soft laugh. "If I'm being honest, I'd eat anything."

"Good. Because I must admit I'm not much of a chef."

"Then you should let me do it." Rose moved to try and grab the frying pan that he'd produced form the nearby cupboard and was now wielding like some type of shield.

"No," he began as he dodged her advances. "I said I'm making you food, so I'm mak-" his sentence was cut off when the frying pan clattered to the ground, mid movement. Rose's entire body froze, not even a breath was allowed to leave her lips. 

Fear flooded her face. She had been caught like this once before. And though that time was at her pack house and not the Assumption Building, she couldn't help but feel that the punishment would be much the same. 

"Rose, are you alright?" The stranger didn't seem to think much of the noise he had caused, in fact, when Rose's thoughts were pulled back to the room, she was sure she'd heard the remnants of a laugh on his lips. 


A face flashed in the darkness of the door for just a second before it was gone again.

And then, her body took over. She grabbed the arm that was now outstretched towards her in some attempt to pull the stranger from the kitchen. "We have to go. Now." She couldn't bite back the pleading strain in her voice. 

"What's wrong?" He took a few steps forward, giving into her weak attempts. She knew she wouldn't be able to actually pull him. He was at least twice her size.

"You've woken people up, drawn attention to us. We have a curfew, remember?" 

The stranger narrowed his eyes, confusion evident on his features. 


Rose's own face bore an incredulous look. What did he mean by 'and?'? As if it wasn't obvious what would happen. 

She tugged him again, hoping that he'd see reason. But instead, he twisted their arms so that he was the one holding her and pulled her towards him in one swift movement. 

"What are you doing?" Rose began to hit his arm with her free hand, hoping he'd release her, let her go. 

"Rose, calm down." His voice was even. 

Rose kept up her struggle.

"Rose."  This time, there was an undertone of warning. But before Rose could even react, she heard familiar footsteps coming down the hallway and then, a deafening growl that seemed to make the whole room shake. 

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