0 / The Darkness

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The castle halls were quiet. No-one dared to make a sound. The servants had halted their work, hands stilling on half pulled curtains and dusting cloths. They could feel her slipping away.

The Prince was sitting at her bedside, her hands clasped in his, his head laying on the worn bedsheets. He had never cried before. The people of the court had never even seen his expression break. But those closest to him had seen how he acted around his mate. They noticed how his entire being seemed to light up, as if sunlight itself was spilling from his every pore. One of his advisors had once commented that the prince no longer had need of a crown for he had certainly found his most precious jewel in the young girl with the bright blue eyes. His sapphire.

Outside the open window, the moon seemed to taunt him. If he raised his eyes enough, he could see the silver glow that fell through the coloured stained glass. Through the open slit, he managed to catch a glimpse of the crescent shape and his tears flowed even quicker.

He prayed to the Moon Goddess to save his mate. But he had begged the same words for some two weeks by now and had received no answer that he wanted. In her final moments, Lucy heard her mate sob.

The sound raked through the castle, causing each person to look towards the direction they knew he was in. Heads bowed as breaths were held.

At the very moment the young Queen-to-be took her final breath, the moon disappeared through a nearby cloud, as if hiding it's face from the scene below it. And so, with her paling face, the kingdom was cast into darkness. 

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