Chapter 19

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Minor mentions of SEXUAL CONTENT!!!
You are warned!!!


Y/n's pov

"MASKY! LET HER GO!", he looked behind him. Standing there was Hoodie. Masky started laughing and flipped us so I was on his chest facing Hoodie. He had his arm around my neck and I felt the gun still next to my head.

"Why should I Hoodie, is it cause your jealous, mad that I have her this close to me!",

"Masky, you need to take your pills",

"I don't need any fucking pills!"

"Masky!", I felt him put his chin on my shoulder. He started to lick my cheek.

"Are you mad that you can't put your dick inside her? Leave your mark on her? Feel her?", he started lowering the gun a little down my body.

"You know that's not true!", I felt him stop and tighten his grip.

"So you wouldn't care if I put her on her knees right now and do as I please, you wouldn't feel jealous, mad that I dirtied her first than you?", what has gotten into him!? I felt myself shaking and tears coming out.

"M-Masky let her g-go!", I saw Toby come from behind Hoodie.

"You know she won't last long, might as well do what we all want to do to her right now", what does he mean!? I won't last long!

"Shut the fuck up Masky!",

"Why don't I tell her right now!", I felt myself get slammed on the wall again. "We should tell her, she'll have to find out anyways",


"Did you know that we kill people for fun Y/n? We get bored and go kill innocent people for our enjoyment, you know you'll be next", he was smiling and laughing while saying this. They're gonna try to kill me!?


"Not before we do what we want to do you after all", he pushed his body on top of mine. I'm scared! I did what my brother taught me to do when I'm scared. I kicked him in the no-no spot. "Bitch!", I ran past him and the other two.

"Y/N!", I don't want to be with them! They're gonna try to kill me! I ran downstairs towards the front door. I ran past the living room seeing Jeff, Ben, Lj, and Jane. I slammed the door open and ran.

"Y/N! Where are you going!?", I ignored the yells and kept running. I don't feel safe! I miss my brothers! I miss my sissy! I miss mom and dad! I cried more just thinking about them. I should've stayed! I stopped running after I felt a good distance away. I looked around and saw trees everywhere. I closed my eyes tightly not wanting to see anything. My fist were balled up. I can't stand it. I miss them! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!

"I MISS YOU GUYS! I'M SORRY!", I started sobbing while falling on the ground. I should've stayed close! I never listened! I should've trusted my friends warnings! They are bad! I heard a snap in front of me. I looked up and saw red eyes. I scooted back but bumped into a tree. I finally noticed it was Zalgo.

"Are yOu Ok y/N?", can I trust him? I don't care anymore! I ran and tackled him into a hug and started crying.

"I want to go home...", I mumbled. I felt him start to stroke my hair.

"YouR SaFe witH Me", I feel safe or is it cause I'm tired? I closed my eyes and fell asleep on him.

No one's pov

The demon kept stroking the girls hair to calm her down. He's never seen her like this. She's always smiling and happy. What'd they do to his future queen!? That's what he calls her. He finally noticed the girl sleeping on him. He decided to take her to his castle in the underworld since he didn't trust the pastas. He picked her up carefully to not wake her up and teleported to a room. It was his bedroom. He placed her on the bed and covered her with the blanket. He stopped and looked at her. She looks so peaceful. So comfortable. So... vulnerable. A human makes him feel like this!? He doesn't understand it. They're just pathetic creatures! He shakes his head.

"She'S DifFereNT", he mumbles to himself. He lays in the bed with her. He lays on his side to get a good view of her face. He caresses her cheek. She's so soft and warm. He WANTS her. He'll CONTROL himself...


*Back at the mansion*

"Why the fuck didn't you chain him or something!?",

"He ran out the room! What'd you expect!?",

"I don't know! Maybe think about something!",

"Shut the fuck up! Y/n is still out there!", it's true. Y/n can't be found...



Hello everybody! I hoped you enjoyed the chapter, but man, poor Y/n, stuck with a demon. Anywho, question for this chapter, I'll keep it simple for this one.

Who is your favorite creepypasta character?

I'm really curious to see everybody's answers. Well, that's gonna be all guys!


Child at heart (creepypasta x childish reader) (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now