Chapter 15

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Y/n's pov

Who should I pick? I looked around the room at everyone.

"I pick...", who should I pick?! I'll just pick someone random. "Splendy!",

"What!", I heard a squeal and then I felt myself getting crushed into a hug. Splendy! I giggled and hugged him back.

"Thank you so much for picking me Y/n, I'm so happy!", he squealed out while smiling widely.

"Guess our little brother finally got his first proxy",

"It seems so", I'm his first proxy? Cool!

"This is a big responsibility brother", me and Splendy looked at Slendy.

"I'll do my best brother, I know I can do good!",

"Go Splendy!", I said while I raised my hands in the air.

"Well, Y/n did choose you, so we'll check in a week to see how you're both doing",

"What if Splendor isn't doing good?", Jane asked.

"We'll have to think about that", Splendy finally put me down. He grabbed my hand and ran towards the stairs.

"I'm gonna show you your room!", I giggled and let myself get dragged to my new room. I forgot this place is like a maze actually. Left, right, right, left, right. To many halls. We even went up another set of stairs! Then we stopped at a plain white door. All the others had colors like green, blue, red, black, yellow, even stripes! "We're here!", he opened the door. It was a plain white room with a bed, dresser, closet, and a door that I think leads to a bathroom. I turned around and looked at him.

"Thanks Splendy, I love it!", I gave him a hug. He hugged back.

"We'll decorate your room later, ok?",


"I'll leave you be now, you must be tired and so you can look around your room",

"Ok, thanks again Splendy!", he left the room. What do I do now? What time is it? Am I gonna get lost in the mansion again? Why am asking so many questions? Why am I talking to myself? I'mma just go to sleep, I'm tired. I took my boots off and laid down on the bed. I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

*Dream World*

I opened my eyes and found myself on the floor. I was wearing a dress. It was light blue with a white apron. Ok? Weird. I noticed I was in a forest. Then I heard something behind me. I turned and saw it was Jeffy. With... bunny ears!?

"I'm late!",


"I'm late!", then he ran off. He dropped a... knife? I picked it up. Then I followed him, what if he wants his knife back. I put it in my aprons pocket and ran after him.

"Wait, Jeffy!", he jumped into a hole in a tree. So, I followed in. Bad idea! I started falling! Then yellow strings wrapped around me. They kinda remind me of puppets. They helped me get down safely. When I made it on the ground they left. This dream is weird. I saw Jeffy run past me.

"I'm late",

"Wait up!", he ran the corner and then vanished. Where'd he go? I started walking trying to find him. Then I spotted a glass bottle with red fluids. A note with it saying 'drink me'. No! I'm not gonna drink it! I don't really know where the bottles been. I'm just gonna try to find Jeffy. I looked around the little room I was in. Then I saw a music box. I read the box "Laughing Jack in the box". Jack? Jack! I started playing the melody from the little box. Then I blinked and I was in a carnival. Wow! I heard some people talking and laughing. They sound familiar. I started walking towards the voices. Then I saw Sally! Splendy, Smile, and Offendy are with her! "Sally!", she looked up and saw me.

Child at heart (creepypasta x childish reader) (ON HOLD)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat