You clasped your hands together as you said, "I'm so sorry, Ryo-chan. I just have a lot in mind."

He stopped sulking and looked at you with a serious face, "What happened? Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, Ryo-chan." he stared at your eyes, verifying if you're lying or not. After a while, he frowned.

"(First name)-cchi doesn't trust me and now, she starts lying to me..." he said in a depressed tone as he starts to collect his things and was about to go.

"Hey! I didn't mean it like that.." you grabbed him by the elbow to stop him.

"Then tell me, (First name)-cchi. I'm your boyfriend, you can tell me everything-ssu!" he said with eyes full of determination like he'd conquer everything just for you.

"Well, you friend..ended our friendship. Because I didn't let her copy my homework. I told her I can't because it's an essay and only she can answer it since it's a reflection of what happened during her summer break. How can I let her copy mine? We weren't together and did everything the entire break. I'm just sad."

He pats your shoulders and said, "Then she's not a real friend at all! Why be sad on some idiot?! Be happy that she's gone in your life now. At least you get to know her real color earlier than be stuck with her for your whole life knowing that she just suck up to you because you'll let her take advantage of you. Let her be. She's just using you. I know that may sound harsh but it's the truth (First name)-cchi."

You sighed heavily as your head looked down, "I know.."

"It's not your loss, it's hers. Plus, you still have more friends! You got me, not only as a friend but a boyfriend who will love you~ Kurokocchi and the others are your friends too~~ You don't even need to worry about your studying, I can just drag Midorimacchi to help you study! Oh and in the future, I can beg Akashicchi to give you a job!" you don't know whether to laugh or cry at his sudden words so you just looked at him helplessly.

"Anyway, forget about her. You have us," he said as he put his hands over your shoulder pulling you closer to him, "and most especially, you have me." he smiled as he nuzzled his nose with yours before giving you a peck on the lips.


"Go on!" Takao said as he pushed Midorima inside the classroom. You message him earlier that you'll just be waiting in the room because you're one of the assigned cleaners for today so you had to stay for a while.

"Takao!" he scolded, glaring at him.

"Tsk. Just go you tsundere!" he stuck out his tongue as he ran away with his other teammates.

He pushed up his glasses and walked towards you.

"(First name)."

"Eh? Shin-chan? You guys already finished practicing? Where are the others?" you looked surprised at first but you tried to hide it or else he'll notice you've been spacing out.

"They already left." he said pulling out a chair sitting across you.

"(First name)," his voice sounded serious which made you sat up straight and you stared at him, waiting for his next line. "What's the matter? nanodayo."

"What do you mean?" you asked tilting your head a bit sidewards.

"I noticed y-you've b-been spacing o-out. A while a-ago, the sensei called you and you only responded on his third call of your n-name." he said a bit stuttering as if he's too shy to admit that he's been staring at you in class.

"It's nothing~" you said forcing out a smile.

"Don't lie nodayo." he stared at you with a look that he won't let you go unless you tell him.

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