Chapter 21

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"Jimin, calm him down!" Jihae shouted. Jungkook was destroying everything.

"I'm not touching him." Jimin stood far from the angry vampire. He was all right with getting thrown through walls, but he was not in the mood to get his throat ripped out.

"Fucking hell! Get out of my way." Jihae shoved Hoseok and Yoongi to the side and marched towards Jungkook. She grabbed his arm as he swung back to hit something else, and he immediately turned to attack whatever was stopping him.

He softened slightly at the sight of her, but she was fuming. "Pull yourself together, Jeon. Now is not the time for your fucking temper tantrums. Everyone, upstairs to start packing. Taehyung, we need to eat. Let's get moving." She threw Jungkook towards the stairs, and when he landed, he stumbled to steady himself. Everyone stared for a moment before she glared at them. Everyone disappeared except for Taehyung.

"You and I will eat first, then we will pack. The others can eat once they are done packing, then we have to leave immediately," she explained. Taehyung nodded his head, and they made their way to the dungeons.

"Where do you plan on us going?" He asked. His voice was deeper than usual.

"Yoongi said his clan was designed for wars, right? Let's go there." She stormed ahead of him and down the stairs of the dungeon. The two vampires Eunjin sent were standing there on guard. She smiled gratefully at them. "You guys may go." They nodded to her and left quickly.

Taehyung opened the cell door for her, and she stepped inside. The humans were in a daze, and she wondered how long it would last before it broke and they became frantic.

"We need to be quick," Taehyung said from behind. "All you have to do is go to bite their wrist. Your fangs should come out on their own. We will teach you to do it at will later."

He pushed her towards one human, and he moved towards another. "Aren't we supposed to share one?" She asked. He looked at her for a moment.

"Well, the hunter association is going to be after all of our heads soon since we are going into hiding, so we might as well break a few more laws. Jimin and Eunjin can share one human since they ate a few days ago." He shrugged his shoulders and gave her a look as if it was the most obvious answer.

"Whatever you say, Tae," she said as she grabbed the wrist of one of the humans.

Taehyung was right. Her fangs came out immediately, and her stomach rolled in anticipation for food. She was starving, and she'd been doing her best to ignore it.

When she bit into the man's wrist, it was like an explosion in her mind. It was delicious. She didn't realize how quickly she was draining the man, and within seconds the man was completely dry. She pouted slightly, but she was so full. She felt so much stronger.

"Holy shit," Taehyung said. "It's been so long since I've had a full human."

"It's the first time I've had human," she half joked. "We need to pack. Let's go."

They passed the others in the halls of the dungeons. No one said a word to each other, and Jihae willed herself to move faster. It felt like she was gliding.

She stormed into her room and started shoving a bunch of clothes into a backpack. She put the photograph and her journal in as well. She slowed for a moment to breathe, and the anxiety of the situation they were in started catching up to her. She was alone with her thoughts, and now she had a second to panic.

If they caught Jungkook, he'd be torn apart. Her mind flashed to what Namjoon had shown them when Daliania was the center of everything. Jungkook was in pieces, and she feared that if the hunter assocation were to catch him, it'd be the start of their downfall.

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