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Hey folks, hope you guys are having a great day. I wrote this story just to let you guys know how can a society affect a person and what we as part of the society would have to do in order to conserve the peace and harmony among each other. You may wonder what had inspired me to write this story, I actually decided to write this story when I stumbled upon a youtube video  and all I did was write this story in detail and add my own spices to this story. Well, I'm pretty sure you readers are aware that mental illness  are also heritable as well as they are influenced by the surrounding. Let us all together show some love and support to those who have are mentally ill and make them feel that we are here for them. Despite mocking them for their disabilities and magnifying all of their flaws, give them a hand and lift them up your shoulder as they deserve to see the world just the way we do.

Guys I know we can get this story 1K reads. I know its too much, but dream big am I right ?

Once again this story is not meant to hurt anyone nor I have used my own names to continue with this story.

Comment down below if you have a sibling or you know anyone who suffers from mental illness and what did you do to help em or feel better.

If u like my story, pls pls share it

p/s Happy Reading  : )

Her Life Is Made Up of InkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang