What Happened Next ?

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Well 3 months passed and nothing went right nor did anything work right for me. This was because my grades dug their own graves. I wasn't feeling well. Every morning I opened  my eyes to see only half a blue sky. It was all perfectly imagined and put together in my head but it was true that it was kinda there but  not quite. I started behaving as if my whole life got torn down. I would often feel sick with apprehension. I didn't get much sleep and I would cry myself to sleep every night. It was too much for a 13 year old. You may wonder why this has affected me so much and all I can say is that you will only feel this when you are in my shoes. As a teenager, I started to worry that maybe my birth was a mistake after all but hey let's be real, everyone wants a good life and that was something I wanted to have as well. Suddenly a bunch of questions played like a movie in my head. When are you gonna get your life back in one piece? When are you gonna stop crying? What would happen to you if this kept going on? Are you going to die? I felt as if my head was gonna explode. I tried my level best to calm down. I told myself that things would get better but guess what, these questions kept wrapping head  and I was only 13 but my life was like as if someone placed a dynamite and caused an explosion. This much detail could be given because I was born with an upside down life and faith. The questions kept going in my head and they never seemed to stop.

I went through tons of sleepless nights thinking about scenarios that wouldn't occur. I could assure you that my mental health was in desperate need of help. I started to worry about somethings that have an uncertain outcome. I thought I was going insane. To be honest with you guys, I went down the wrong path in search of a solution to my problems. I tried to take away my own life. You may think that I am a radge but I was lamentable. I needed an instant answer to my questions but again I was pathetic. You may think what stopped me from making such a decision. I don't really know why but at that moment I felt like there was someone out there in the dark world waiting for me. Not only that, I heard a bunch of whispers in my ears and I felt that somebody was tryna talk to me. It was as if I  was on drugs. The voices kept repeating everyday. It was like as if I was out of my mind. Cue, I talked to myself on a daily basis. Months after that I started to develop false belief and at that point I had finally made a friend. Her name was Olivia. She had perfectly tan skin, beautiful pair of eyes and golden locks of hair. She also had rosy cheeks. We often played together and we shared stories. We had loads of fun and I didn't want it all to end but eventually it did as Olivia wasn't real. She was apart of my false beliefs. I was crestfallen, as if the whole world has crumbled down into pieces. Well, false belief problems are tests that highlight a young child's inability to realize that others will retain their own individual beliefs without regard to information that the child is privy to. My abnormal behaviour and strange speech and my decreased ability to understand reality had caught my parent's attention.  They decided to bring me to a psychiatrist. So they made an appointment and we visited the psychiatrist.


Sorry that this chapter was shorter than the previous one guys. Hope you guys have a fun time reading. Love ya =) Let's get this to 1k likes

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