Chapter 26 The Journey To The Land Of Waves Part 2

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( Hey guys this is part two so let's get to it. )

So after revealing his true sharingan
and also perform a little speech to show what his way of the ninja is (y/n) and his team are more then ready to complete their journey to the land of waves

3rd Pov

Tazuna:"Eh, you really do got ball's kid hm and for that you earn my respect hm can't say the same for the others with shrimp over there. "said Tazuna while pointing at naruko

Naruto:" Hey you are you calling shrimp ".said Naruto

Tazuna:" Well for starters your shorter than the others girly".said Tazuna

When he said that the other members look at each other and he was right with (y/n) being the same height as his brother sasuke and with sakura also being almost the same height and when they look at naruko she was the smallest out of the three

Naruko " : Aw damnit why do I have to be the small one. "said Naruko who pouted

Kakashi ": Well you still a kid naruko you will grow eventually".said Kakashi who was still reading that book

(Y/N) :" I think begin short makes you cute naruko chan".said (Y/N)

Naruko:" R-really snow you think I'm c-cute. "said Naruko who had a bright red blush on her cheeks

(Y/N):" Of course naruko chan".said (Y/N) when he said that her blush got worse

Lord Third :" Right so tomorrow you four will start this mission at 5:00 clock sharp and good luck team seven. "said The Hokage

Team Seven :" Hai. "said team seven and also bowing to the hokage

Lord Hokage ": Right dismissed you my go home for now young ones" said The Hokage

So after leaving the hokage office sakura decided to tell (y/n) if he would like to spend the night at her place

Sakura ": Hey snow wait a minute".said Sakura

(Y/N) ": Yes love what do you want."
said (Y/N)

Sakura ": I w-was wondering if you would like to spend the night at my place. " said Sakura who was poking her fingers and having a pink blush

(Y/N) ": I would love to sakura chan. " said (Y/N)

Sakura ": Okay then come on let's go. " said Sakura after grabbed his hand and took him there more like dragged him

(Y/N) ": Wow sakura slow down".said (Y/N)

Sakura ": *giggles" Sorry snow kun but I'm just excited that you be spending the night with me and besides my parents want to meet you. "said Sakura

(Y/N) " So you told them about us then sakura chan ".said (Y/N)

Sakura": Yes of course i did I have to tell them about who's my future husband will be".said Sakura

(Y/N) ;"*in his mind Future Husband "! said (Y/N) who had a shock expression on his face

Sakura": You okay babe you look like your shock there".said Sakura

(Y/N) ": *Cough* I'm g- good sakura chan I just didn't expect you to say something like that yet".said (Y/N)

Sakura :"* giggles* More ,right well we are here snow".said Sakura

(Y/N) Pov

So after making it there (y/n) was nervous about this and he hopes that they will accept him begin with their daughter because he does love her
and so after knocking on the door it opened to reveal to be no other than her mother who had a smile when she saw sakura and when she turned to look at (y/n) she had a shock expression on her face because she at first though that it was sasuke with her daughter but when she noticed the white hair and the blue eyes and the blue crystal around the boys neck she had a very happy expression......

Sakura Mother :" So your the boy that my daughter in love with. "said her mother

(Y/N) " Yes ma'am I am I'm uchiha (y/n) of the uchiha clan and I really do love your daughter ms haruno. "said (Y/N) while bowing

Sakura Mother": Hm such manners I can see why my daughter really likes you you are a handsome young man".said her mother

Sakura": Mom don't embarrassed me! "said Sakura

Sakura Mother" : Haha sorry dear I'm just speaking the truth and I do accepted your relationship ".said her mother

Sakura": Ekkkkk thank you mom!!! " said Sakura

(Y/N) " Thank you Ms haruno".said (Y/N)

Sakura Mother ": Hm you are quite welcome now come in and let's eat. " said Sakura Mother

So after having got the acceptance of the relationship and also having a good dinner with the haruno family
it was getting later and they were getting ready to sleep.....

3rd Pov

Sakura Farther ": Right he is the guessed bedroom son".said Her Dad

(Y/N) ": Right thank you sir. "said (Y/N)

Sakura Farther": Hm no problem good night young man. " said Sakura Farther

(Y/N) :" Good  night. "said (Y/N)

So after entering the room and having changed into sleep wear he went and got into bed and after having dosed off he feelt something having gotten in his bed....

(Y/N) ": What the. "said (Y/N) who left the covers and to see pink hair and when he did he was wide eyed

(Y/N) "; S-sakura what why are you in here".said (Y/N)

Sakura":* Giggles* Because I messed you silly and I want to give you this ~
." said Sakura in a flirty tone

(Y/N) ": What are yo mfmfmf".said (Y/N) because he was Intrupted by her jumping on him and kissing him

And after that they even started to have a heated make out session and there tongue swirl in there mouths after they finished their was a string of salvia connect between the two....

Sakura ": Wow I love you (y/n) ".said Sakura while looking into his blue eyes

(Y/N) ": I love you to sakura chan".said (Y/N) while also looking into her emerald green eyes

So after that the two young couple decided to go to sleep and get ready for tomorrow because that's when they will start there first real mission.....

( Hey guys that was chapter 26 let me know what you think and if you guys would like for (y/n) to spend the night with hinata as well if so leave some comments below and I will work on it with that being said I will see you guys next time.)

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