Chapter 27 The Journey To The Land Of Waves Part 3

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( Hey guys this is chapter 27 and I'm glad that you are enjoying it and so in the next view chapter's will be the first encounters with haku and zabuza momochi and also when the tails beast becomes triggered for the first time and also their will be a flash back story that will involve (y/n) and naruko and how there friendship begin and one more thing you will also will see when (y/n) will time travel to his future and there will be multiple times when this happens in the story so with that being said let's get to it.)

So it's starting to get morning in the village of konohagakure and the young couple are getting ready for their day

3rd Pov

(Y/N) :" * Yawn* Good morning sakura chan ".said (Y/N) who was messing with her pink hair

Sakura ": Morning snow kun".said Sakura who kiss him on the lips

(Y/N) ": You know I wish we can be like this forever".said (Y/N)

Sakura ":*Giggles* Me to but we have to get ready and meet everyone by the gate's." said Sakura

(Y/N"; Yeah your right we should".said (Y/N)

Sakura ": Right well I'm going to take a shower you don't mind if I take one first do you".said Sakura

(Y/N) ": No I don't mind just take your time and I can wait".said (Y/N)

Sakura ": Right you know when we get older I'll let you join me ~~~ " said Sakura in a flirty tone

(Y/N) ": Aw sakura chan don't say stuff like that".said (Y/N)

Sakura": *Giggles* Or you can join me know if you want ~~~ " said Sakura

(Y/N) ": Stop teasing me and take one".
said (Y/N) who had a red blush on his face

Sakura ": Haha okay blushey face *giggles*".said Sakura

(Y/N) :" Ugh *Face palm* please stop ".said (Y/N)

Sakura:" Okay babe I'll stop hehe".said Sakura

So after getting her things she left the room and (y/n) is on the bed and decide to take out his mvp3 player and listen to a (F/S) and after chosen a song he closed his eyes then he drove of to sleep and all the sudden he heard a voice in side of him....

??? Pov

??? :" Soon my pup we will see each other and your true destiny well be known ".said the mysterious female voice

3rd Pov

And when sakura return she saw him breathing heavily and she rushed to him and see what's wrong

Sakura": Snow are you okay. " said Sakura

When she did he open his eyes to show this.....

(But this time there are bright blue flames and also it the mangekyou sharingan

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(But this time there are bright blue flames and also it the mangekyou sharingan .)

(Y/N) ": Ahhhhhhhh!!! " Yelled out (Y/N) and when he did sakura was pushed back with force

Sakura ": Ahhhhh *thumped* " said Sakura who hit the side of her bedroom wall

Then her parents hear the scream and the ran to her room and when they did and when they saw what was happening they were wide eyed

Sakura Mother": Oh god love we need to get the hokage. "Said Sakura Mother

Sakura Farther ": Right but I need to knock him out so he will stop what happening to him and you go check on sakura".said Sakura Farther

So after getting close enough to knock (y/n) out and when he saw his eyes he was shocked....

Sakura Farther"; My god it's the mangekyou sharingan! " said her father

Sakura Mother ": We can worry about that later just hurry up and get the hokage" . said her mother

Sakura Farther ": Right ".said her dad

So after knocking him out he rushes to get the hokage and to tell him what's happening......

3rd Pov

Lord Third ": So it's true that he has the rinnegan kakashi".said The Hokage

Kakashi ": Hm he does and he is impressive with it and other thing why is his sharingan blue lord third I've never seen that kind of power before".said Kakashi

Lord Third": Hm well that's because there are rumors that he holds the... before he gets to finished the door to the office bursts open....

Sakura Father": Lord Hokage I need your help know!" said Sakura Farther

Lord Third ": What is it ".said Lord Third

Sakura Farther ": It's uchiha (y/n) and there something wrong with him".said her dad

Kakashi ": What's wrong should he be at the gate with his brother and naruko".said Kakashi

Sakura Farther ": He has the mangekyou sharingan".said Sakura Farther

And when he said that they where both wide eyed....

Lord Third ": Kakashi! ".said Lord Third

Kakashi ":Right! ".said Kakashi *poof*

3rd Pov

So after having making it there we see sakura next to (y/n) who was still out cold and also his brother sasuke and naruko was there because they heard what happened and soon enough the hokage came

Lord Third ": Right so tell me what happened".said The Hokage

Sakura ": W-well I just came back from the shower so snow k-kun can take one so we will be ready for our mission and when I came back he was breathing heavily and when I saw his eyes they where a bright blue and his sharingan was active and but it was different I don't know what it was".said Sakura who was holding his hand

Sakura Farther ": It was the mangekyou sharingan" said Her Farther

And when he said that even sasuke was shocked that his brother has more power than him

Sasuke ": In his mind Dammit how does he have the mangekyou sharingan and I don't I will know how he got it so I can kill her" . said Sasuke

Lord Third ": Right I'll bring in a medical ninja to help him recover ".said Lord Third

So after having gotten a medical ninja the other members of team seven are wondering if he be able to stil do the mission

Naruko ": Hey kakashi do you think we are still going to do this mission".said Naruko

Kakashi ": Hm I do and we won't start it without him" said Kakashi

Naruko ": Yeah I hope his okay".said Naruko

Kakashi ": He will  be don't worry".said Kakashi

Sakura ": Please wake up snow kun".said Sakura who had his hand still.....

(Y/N) Pov

(Y/N) ": Hm w-what where am i. " said (Y/N)

??? ;" Hello young one".said the voice

(Y/N) ": What who's there . " said (Y/N) who was frightened a bit

??? ": Do not worry my dear child you will learn more about me in the future but for know the others need you until we meet again uchiha (y/n) ".said the mysterious voice

( Okay that's was chapter 27 let me know what you think and I'll see you guys next time.)

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