Chapter 20 Team 7 First D Ranked Mission Part 1

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(Hey guys this is part one of when you start the mission so let's get to it.)

So after sakura telling her feelings to (y/n) he is still a bit shock that he as now two girlfriends and now he is getting ready for the next day because its his first mission as a ninja of the hidden leaf and he is more determined than ever to be a legendary shinobi.....

3rd Pov

So it's the next day and (y/n) did his usual daily routine and he got the sword his father made him and strap it to his back and he check himself out
in the mirror.....

(Y/N) :Right this is your first mission and know that I've got two girlfriends I will not let nothing happen to them I will even sacrifice myself for them before anything  bad happen's to them. said (Y/N) who had added determined look on his face

(Y/N) :Right let's go. said (Y/N)

So after having leaving his room he what by the entrance of the uchiha compound for his twin brother sasuke and after a few minutes he arrived and they nod to each other and they fistbump each other and they head of to the training field to meet their sensei and the rest of team seven......

(Y/N) Pov

Sasuke : You ready for your first mission little brother. said Sasuke

(Y/N) : Hm I am brother I am wondering on what it might be. said (Y/N)

Sasuke : It could be anything little brother like babysitting or finding someone pet or a getting some one's package or a simple escort. said Sasuke

(Y/N) :Yeah you right about that brother and if I now naruko chan she would want a real mission than to babysit someone's kids. said (Y/N)

Sasuke: That dobe would definitely be saying that brother and I know she probably be complaining about it as well. Sasuke

(Y/N) : Hehe yeah that's naruko chan for you oh hey sakura chan. said (y/n) who saw sakura coming to their direction

Sakura: Hey (y/n) kun and sasuke kun. said Sakura and after she said that she gave (y/n) a peck on the lips and he gave one in return and after that sasuke had a huge grin on his face
and a raised eye brow at his brother...

3rd Pov

(Y/N) : What's with the face brother? said (Y/N)

Sasuke : *Chuckle* Nothing little brother. said Sasuke who walk a head and still have a smirk on his face

So after sasuke left the two alone for a a bit sakura decided to wrap her arm around (y/n) 's and to lay her head down on his shoulder and she also took his hand into hers and squeeze it together and when she did that he did the same with hers and she smiled a little and so once they are heading know to the training field to get ready to meet their sensei and after having making it there they sit down next to each other and wait on there sensei......

Naruko Pov

I got up and got ready for my first mission as a ninja and I'm excited about that I can do a real mission
and I know that (n/n) is also exited about it also he always dreamed of becoming a ninja and im happy he did it and maybe one day  I could tell him how I feel but every time I do I stutter and or something happens and like when my heart aches when I see him with someone else that isn't me I just hope that I can tell him some day........

So after leaving her home to head to the training field to meet their sensei she's is determined to tell him how she feels......

(Hey guys that was part 1 and up next I will work on the actual mission so let me know what you think and I will see you next time.)

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