Chapter 18 Celebrate The Test Of Becoming Genin

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( Hey guys this is chapter 18 so let's get to it.)

So after team 7 complete the test from there sensei and that they have officially became genin they decided to celebrate by having some ramen at ichiracku ramen.....

3rd Pov

Naruko: Man there's nothing better to celebrate the victory over our sensei by eating some ramen right (n/n). said Naruko

(Y/N) : You got that right naruko chan there's nothing better then eating some ramen after something like that. said (Y/N)

Sakura: Hey (Y/N) kun so that was the power that you where talking about the rinnagan right? said Sakura

(Y/N) : Hai it was I don't know much about it only like I can stop time and I can move incredibly fast with it. said (Y/N)

Naruko: Yeah and why was it was doing that glowing thing with you eyes (n/n) ? said Naruko

Sasuke : Yeah little brother what was that I never seen something like that and also that your sharingan is different it's not the black and red colour it's a (f/c) and it there's blue flames coming from it. said Sasuke

Sakura: Blue flames? said Sakura

Naruko: Yeah I've seen it happen when the villagers where talking negative about me and it was like it triggered something in him. said Naruko

Sakura: Really it did. said Sakura

Naruko: Yeah I've never seen him that angery before. said Naruko

(Y/N) : Come on guys let's just enjoy our night okay. said (Y/N)

Naruko/Sakura:Okay (n/n)/(y/n) kun. said Naruko and Sakura

So after that talk the three had about what that strange power that (y/n) had they went to ichiraku ramen shop and the night was quite because they where wondering what that power that he had was even sasuke he was determined to learn more about it and to try and figure out why his brothers sharingan is different from him......

(Hey guys that was chapter 18 and the next chapter will be your first day ranked mission and it will be longer so let me know what you think and I will see you next time.)

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