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"Meet me at the range in an hour." Serenity rolled her eyes as Lucas' voice filled her ears.

"You could have walked to my office you know." She heard him chuckle.

"Where's the fun in that? See you there." The dial tone sounding in her ears stopped any string of words from escaping her throat. Shutting down her computer, she pulled her bag from the bottom drawer in her desk.

Looking down she thanked herself for her choice of outfit this morning. Hopping into her bmw she made sure to lock the doors before opening her phone to play some music. Luckily the drive was a straight shot down the expressway and she arrived with 10 minutes to spare.

"Badge please?" Stopping at the checkpoint, she rolled her window down and slid the badge under the bulletproof glass. The man, dressed in all black, scanned it into the system before the light on the gate turned green and it slowly creaked open.

"Thank you." She spoke, taking the badge, and slowly advancing past the gate. Her eyes didn't fail to take in the pair of heavily armed men eyeing her car closely. This particular range was one that belonged to the FBI so Serenity didn't question the intense security measures.

Although she'd been a detective and had a license to carry, Serenity only had guns stored in her home or her glove box. Parking in the closest spot to the door, she unlocked her glove box and assembled the gun to be placed on her waist.

"I.D. Please?" As she once again slid her badge under a bulletproof window, Serenity looked around the room. It was mandatory for agents to check in their weapons before they were able to enter the range.

"Alrighty, you're good to go darlin'." She smiled at the man before collecting her I.D, weapon, ear plugs, and goggles. Walking out of the back door, she pulled out her phone to text Lucas her location.

The range was simply a large field with gun lockers stored on the far right hand side. There were stalls were you could load a target of your choice that lined 200 feet. On the far left hand side there was an obstacle course that you could practice shooting while moving. It was honestly very impressive.

"Serenity!" A shout caused her to jump before she noticed Lucas' large form moving towards her.

"Hey." She said as she moved closer towards him, her arms opening for an embrace as they finally met.

"Come on. I already got a stall ready for us." As he wrapped an arm around her shoulders, Serenity wasn't oblivious to the curious eyes of others.

"So why are we here?" She questioned as she watched him load a .45 slowly. The pair only met at the range when something serious was going on as it was nearly the safest place in the state.

"I think the Costellos knew who you were." Before she could respond, he emptied the clip center mass into the paper target 25 yards away. She wanted to roll her eyes at the feat. Although she wasn't a terrible shot, she could never compare to Lucas.

"How do you know?" She calmly questioned as he reloaded before handing the gun to her. Slipping on her ear plugs and goggles, she quickly emptied the clip into the target, her worst shot an inch from the X circle.

"Still a terrible shot I see." Lucas joked as he removed his eyewear.

"Fuck off." She growled as she removed her own and pulled the target back towards them. "We all can't be eagle eyed. Now answer my question."

He shook his head, a smile pulling at his lips, before he removed his ear plugs.

"I stayed behind for a while and heard them talking. I couldn't get it all because my Italian ain't that good but I understood what they meant. Vinni was saying he wanted to fuck you while Tate watched. Something about fucking you better than he ever could." Serenity smacked Lucas upside his head.

"Would you get to the important part?" Lucas bellowed with laughter as he grabbed her hands and held them to her sides. She wanted to smack him again as he continued laughing in her face.

"Sorry. Sorry. Fuck, you're so easy to rile up. I had to." Lucas bit his lip as he stared down at her. Serenity rolled her eyes once more as she felt his chest vibrate with laughter.

"Glad to see you're enjoying yourself." Sarcasm dripped from every syllable in her sentence.

"Alright. Alright. After he said that, Angelo said something about Tate being a bitch. I couldn't understand the full thing but it was something about his gun. I guess the woman-"

"Mrs. Vultini." She quickly corrected him.

"Right. Well I guess she said something about Tate being a pussy with a gun and getting himself killed. This obviously stirred things up and they got to talking so fast I couldn't keep up. Eventually, Angelo said he should kill him for simply being so disrespectful but of course Vinni told him not to."

Serenity felt her heart race at the revelation. While Tate knew how to handle a gun there was no debate in who would win that showdown.

"Then Vinni brought you up again. Saying it was a shame you seemed to have more balls than Tate. Then Angelo seemed to think for a second before he just blurted our that you were a cop. He started talking about how you had that calm look about you that they teach in the academy. Then they all started talking at once before the group left." Lucas had let go of her now and instead leaned against the stall.

Her stomach stirred, this time for her own safety, knowing that even with her experience she was no match for any of the Costello members. If they deemed her as a big enough threat she could kiss her life goodbye.

"Hey! Hey! Relax. I'm not 100% sure if they believe him but I say just keep to the office and keep your head low." Lucas held her shoulders, his thumbs rubbing small circles.

"Yeah, you're right." She nodded as she told herself the lie over and over. Picking up the pistol, she once again emptied the clip into the paper target. As the gun clicked, she couldn't stop her finger from continuing to press down the trigger.

"It's empty. Serenity! It's empty." Lucas grabbed her forearm to pull her arms down. She shook his grip off, reloaded the pistol, and fired once more.

He stood back as he watched her fire round after round, this time each hitting exactly on the X. After what felt like hours, she finally placed the weapon down. Walking towards the gun locker, she scanned her badge and pulled an AR-15 from the holder before making her way back to the stall.

"Here we go again." Lucas chuckled as he slid his goggles and ear plugs back on. Assembling the gun, Serenity placed it against her shoulder before firing at the target once more. The kickback of the gun oddly soothing her nerves.

When she was out of clips, she carefully placed the safety on to the weapon, and leaned over the table. Lucas stood behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

"You'll be just fine." He whispered into her ear before placing a kiss to her temple.


After Dark (Mature) *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now