XLI. Fake it till You Make it

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After we finished our little make-out session, I realized it was a distraction to forget about why I was angry. But, here I am, peacefully on his lap. My head is on his chest, hearing his irregular heartbeat. "So, why did you put me on the spot like that?"

He releases a deep breath. "Because you're going to face many difficult situations in the future mio cuore, and I don't want you to be unprepared for them." I pout, "Sheltering you will only harm yourself," Anthony reasoned.

"You're still upset towards me, so not speaking is your way of silent protest."

I nod before getting off of his lap. I groan, feeling the soreness on my waist from Anthony's tight grip, and I'm confident he didn't even use all of his strength. Sometimes, I feel like he is on drugs - I'm not surprised if he does take them. Although Francesco told me they wouldn't because: "A smart man would know; he shouldn't get high on his own supply."

Anthony slaps my butt, surprising the shit out of me. I gasped, holding both hands on both cheeks before turning around to see a wide grin on his face. "Have fun." He winks before leaning back on the leather chair while cupping his hands together.

I pout even harder, and if I can, I would stomp out the doors. "How was the meeting?" Gianni asks while I pass him.

"Stop bella!" he screams, and I stop. He rushes toward me and buttons up my blouse. I look down to see my neck fill with red markings. Unable to hide the embarrassment, from the lightly red workers, I rush towards the elevator with Gianni hot behind my trail. He stands beside me with a grin while his coat wraps around my body. "Honestly, from all these years of knowing Mr.Winston. I never expect him to do such an outrageous thing."


"Public sexual intercourse."

I almost spit out blood - public what? "We hav-" I stop talking wondering if I should tell Gianni I haven't done it with Anthony. From how Drew responds, I don't think it's a good idea to speak to any more people about our private matters.

I glance at Gianni. "What kind of man do you see Anthony?"

His lip twists. "Cold. Icy man. Many would say, he is the type of man who holds many secrets...a bit twisted probably too." Oh, how Gianni had hit the target.

After our little discussion, Gianni took me to the shopping center. He didn't allow me to pick any clothes after grabbing a McRonald shirt that says - Ba bup bup bup bitches. You loving it?

Obviously, I would change clothes, or else Anthony's marks will show. I laughed when Gianni told me a cringe-worthy joke. "Oh, please come with me to Italy. I promise you will love it there! Lils will adore you!"

Gianni grins, "Bella, my roots may be in Italy, but my soul resides in America." I fake cry, causing Gianni to burst out laughing.

We walked into another store, and Gianni began picking out clothes. He told me I could choose two shirts and one pair of pants, but that is the leanest away he can provide for me, particularly after the McRonald's shirt. Apparently, many people know Gianni is Anthony's personal stylist; hence, he is also mine. If I dress poorly, it means he is dressing poorly, and he will die if his reputation is tarnished. Of course, he said won't physically die since he is too good looking but his soul would.

A group of four girls enters the store, speaking a bit too loudly for comfort. They would sit down and consume the free baked goods while gossiping. "I ask for bubble water," one of the girls said, and I tilt my head. Did she request alcohol? I mean, they look like they are in high school, trying a bit too hard to be adults.

"Nia, don't be sad."

Nia rolled her eyes, "I cannot believe Pandora Academy would reject my older brother."

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