V. Merciless

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Two Years Later
Angelica Chisai: Age 17
Bruce, Clark, David Timberland: Age 2
Lily Minnie: Age 18
Kevin Minnie: Age 5

The grass is wet.

I held Clark and David beside me while Lily had Bruce and her brother Kevin. Using his free hand, Kevin rubbed his eyes. He lets out a small whimper.

Clark pulled out his thumb, "Big sister Ann, why are mommy, daddy, papa, and mama laying there."

"Shhhh, they are sleeping," Bruce replied by putting his tiny finger to his lips.

I stood there; my grip tightened on both boys' hands. The lump in my throat increases in size by the second, making it harder to breathe. As the breeze blows, I can feel my swelling eyes ache due to the constant rubbing. But it felt like nothing compared to the ferocious pain in my chest.

I didn't answer Clark's question. I merely stood there watching those strangers carrying all four of my family members into a hole.

If there is a God, I curse him for offering us such a beautiful day. There wasn't a single cloud in the sky; it was as blue as the ocean. The sun shone brilliantly, not too hot, just the right amount of heat. Leaves were colored an excellent shade of green, swaying as the wind blew gently.

How can God do this to us?


"I'm telling you all, one more time, to stop calling Lily and me. We are watching all four of the boys right now. You two, along with my other parents, better enjoy your vacations! Stop bombing our phones!" I lecture them.

Lily's parents moved into the house right next to mine two months after we moved out of the apartment complex due to Lily's constant whining about not wanting to walk a whole block to hang out with me.

In the past few years, Lily's parents acted like they were my parents, so I call them Ma and Pa. The same goes for Lily, but she calls my parents Mom and Dad.

The confusing looks we received at the parent meeting were priceless.

Our parents are so close that there isn't a fence between our houses; they tear that down. Dad and Papa say it felt like they had a bigger backyard. Our parents even have keys to each other's homes.

They also built a small bridge between Lily's room and mine. This time, it was my whining that made them do that. Lily hung out in my room so often that she took over seventy-five percent of my closet and half of my room. She said she didn't want to walk back to her room to grab the stuff she wanted because it was too far.

Oh, Lily.

"But pumpkin! This is your last summer before you and Lily start college. Are you sure you want to spend it taking care of the kids?" Mom screamed.

"Yeah, it's not too late for us to do a U-turn," Dad yelled.

I rolled my eyes, "My parents, you are all at an airport. Go go! Enjoy! Bye. Lily! Boys! Say bye to our parents!" I screamed and turned on the speaker.

"Bye, Mommy. Bye, Daddy. Bye, Papa. Bye, Mama," they all say simultaneously.

A wave of awwww and cries were heard over the phone.

"What do you all say?" I asked the boys and Lily.

"We love (wuv) you," they all say simultaneously again.

"I'm going homeeeee," I can hear Pa cry out.

"That's a good idea! Me too!" Dad cried louder.

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