XXVIII. The Big Apple

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Before I knew it, the tension snapped. I push Anthony away and cover my mouth then stumble towards the room I assume to be the bathroom. Once reaching the toilet, I threw up inside the bowl creating a revolting green mush.

Calming the swirling storm inside my stomach, I inhale and exhale rigorously before turning my face towards Anthony who stands at the doorway. I place a shaky finger in the air. "Can you punish me another day? I think I'm going to pass out," I said, before passing out onto the hard tile floor.

When I wake up, I'm in my own bedroom. My eyes dart around the room, feeling the hammering inside my head. The smell of the alcohol last night is intoxicating. My throat feels parch, desperate for liquid. I grunt, realizing it's Anthony's room. Glancing over, there's a large body resting beside me.

I sit straight, with the intention of quietly crawling out of the room. Unfortunately, a specific man did not allow me to even step a toe on the floor. "Lay down," he commanded.

I comply, understanding my place.

"There are two pills and water on the nightstand. Drink it."

I comply.

I look back to see Anthony's head resting on his bicep, electric blues gazing at me. "You are extra obedient today."

I smile.

Of course, I'm obedient; I understand my position - my deadly position.

"Feeling better?" He asks after the long awkward silence filled with weird stares.

I nod, running my fingers through my long dark hair and allowing it to fall back on my shoulder. "I was wrong," I mumble.

"You cheated on me," he said without any restraint.

But, the person I made out with is you!

Now that I'm sober, I should've known better. Anthony's bodyguard was with Lily and me the whole night, so if I were to make out with a stranger, they would've stopped me and broken the stranger's arm or ended his family line. Anthony doesn't seem like a man who would want to lose face, by allowing his woman to dance around other men.

My eyes narrow, "You planned this."

The edge of his lips twirled upward "And so what if I did?" he didn't even bother hiding his intention as he sat up allowing the sheets to fall down his muscles.

He lifts his arms and stretched them, causing each sculpted area to motion wondrously. "In the end, I'm not the unfaithful one in this relationship."

I close my eyes and cover it with my hands, not knowing how to respond. "I'm sorry," I muffle, "I'll never drink again."

He chuckles and the bed creaks. I spread my fingers to see Anthony heading toward the restroom. "I never said you couldn't drink mio cuore," he said as the sink water ran.

I walk towards the bathroom to see Anthony preparing for the day. "I can?" I question, wondering why he would allow me after what I did last night. The horrible part is that I can't even remember half of it.

"I don't own your life, and you should live as you please," he states before wiping the water off his face.

I look down, feeling even more horrible than earlier.

Anthony stands in front of me, lifting my face with a finger. Unconsciously, I went on my toes to get closer to him. "Although, I would appreciate it if you keep your husband in mind before taking such actions like that again."

Quickly, I nod, relieved that Anthony would let me go. Honestly, I thought he was going to beat me up or something. "Definitely. I will always think of you before doing anything," I jump joyfully with the thought of living another day before rushing towards the exit.

Anthony's Angel ✓Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum