XV. Defilement

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According to Drew, I shouldn't trust Alice at all.

According to Antonio, I should listen to Alice but he always seems so angry at her; seemingly sending me mixed messages about the woman.

I huff a breath of air as the elevator rides up. Drew left a while back with some business, so I had to come back. The elevator door spread wide open and with a ding, it's on my floor. I enter, seeing Stefano comfortably settling on the couch. He looks up and smiles. "You're back."

I grunt, allowing the woman behind me to take off my coat. It still feels weird having someone serving me with everything.

He lowers the volume before walking towards me. "How was the tour?"

I grunt some more and drag my legs upstairs.

"Nice to know you miss me too!"

I grunt, giving him a thumbs up.

I'm not in the mood to deal with Stefano. After taking a bath and crashing on the bed; I continue staring at the wall until the phone rings. I pick it up. "Hello?"

"Look inside your luggage for a red pair of heels," Antonio said. I rummage through the luggage, seeing a pair. "Turn the left pair around and break the tip." I did as he told me, and suddenly a USB fell out. Holy pineapple! When did he install that in there? "Remember, to only give it to her only when she gives you Anthony's location."

I sat upward, resting my back against the bed frame. The water dripped from my hair to the pajamas. "Antonio. You introduced me to Alice-" he didn't reply when I said the girl's name. "But, why does it sound like you don't trust her?"

"Alice-" I guess that is her real name. "doesn't work for anyone."


"And that's the reason why we can't trust her. She does everything per her benefits."

"What...exactly is in the USB?" I twirl it around the tip of my fingers.

"The thing that's been getting the American government off of our back," he exhales.

I threw the USB on the bed the moment he mentioned the American government. It feels as if I enter one of those dangerous action movies. Stupid Angelica. You married the freaking mafia boss. Your whole life is an action movie in itself. "Why did you put something so important inside a pair of heels? What if I lost my luggage!"

"Because I kind of have an idea that Alice would negotiate Anthony's life for it."

I stare at the USB. "What exactly is Alice to you?" They seem familiar with each other like they had a history together.

"Classmate. We went to the same high school. Grew up in the same town."

My brows furrows. "What? That doesn't make sense. You-"

"Grew up in Italy," he finishes my sentence. "That's a lie. I was an American a few years back."

"Why are you telling me this? Shouldn't something important like this be kept a secret?"

"Because...I do. Angelica...how do I put this? You don't have ill intention."

I puff my cheeks and straighten my back. "I can have some sort of intention. I seduced Anthony Maranzano! The Italian mafia boss!" In reality, it's Anthony that seduced me but I refused to accept it.

Antonio snorts. "You? Seduced Anthony? Sure, Angelica. Sure you did." I can hear the sarcasm in his voice.

"What? I can seduce a man too! He fell in love with me when I was seven." I felt proud for only a mere millisecond until I realized what I had said. I made an impression on a man when I was seven.

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