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Canada listened to his assistant, Greenland talk to him. Canada frowned - he accedently told one person about a third party, now there was a huge uproar about this.

"Countries want to know if you were lying or not," Greenland stood in front of Canada's desk.

"Of course I wasn't lying!" Canada slammed his hands on his desk, irritated, "I saw her! In the woods! Blue and yellow! Torn clothes! Flower crown! She doesn't has the Restoration symbol on her coat! We never rescued her! She doesn't exist in the book!"

Greenland nodded, taken aback. Canada never acted like this. He almost seemed protective. And he mentioned the book that they used to document countries and their descriptions - Greenland would go through the book today, check if a blue and yellow country with torn clothes was there or not.

"I'll go and check," Greenland confirmed as Canada sat back down in his seat. He wandered outside, the camp almost identical to America's except a little bigger, with countries who were bruised but resilient speaking with eachother all through the camp.

"Greenland," A familiar country tapped on Greenland's shoulder, causing him to stop and turn around. It was Iceland, his brother. "Is Canada still saying the third party exists?"

"He is," Greenland hesitated, "I'm checking the book if the country he described is in there. I need all the proof I can get to send a search party out."

"Fair enough," Iceland followed Greenland into a small but well preserved building, bookshelves and books lining the walls. They did have children here and the younger ones needed to be educated, after all.

In the centre of the room stood a lectern with an old book placed atop of it, Greenland opened it and began to flick through country descriptions. Blue and yellow matched a few, but those few had very different descriptions.

"So.." Greenland murmured, reading the last description, "Who he described doesn't match anyone."

"He could've been hallucinating?" Iceland suggested, Greenland shook his head.

"He says in these exact words; 'I was taking a walk in the forest as I do every morning, then a country sprinted past me and bumped into my shoulder while running. She turned around and apologised before she disappeared again'," Greenland recited like he'd heard the story a million times. Iceland sighed.

"Are you going to tell Canada that you can send a search party out?" He asked, "I mean, it could resolve the rumours?"

"I think I have to," Greenland huffed, "I'll send two people from this camp and another two from America's camp."

Iceland nodded as he watched his brother make his way to Canada's area, a small building, but a building nonetheless.

"So?" Canada asked, staring down at his desk and awaiting an answer. Greenland began to speak.

"She doesn't exist in the book, you're right," Greenland said in defeat as Canada cheered himself on, "I can arrange two search parties? One from this camp and the other from America's camp?"

"Do it," Canada grinned, "See who America wants to send, but you see who wants to go in this camp."

"Yes, sir," Greenland confirmed, backing out of the room, and beginning to ask around.

"Do you want to join a search team to look for a-"

"N-no, thanks.."

"Excuse me, sir, do you want to-"

"Not really."

"Ma'am, could you help u-"

"I can't, I have children."

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